Spring 2021 UConn ECE Biology Workshop

Spring 2021 UConn ECE Biology Workshop

On Tuesday, April 6th, UConn Early College Experience and UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator for Biology, Dr. Tom Abbott and colleagues Jean Laughman and Dr. Christopher Malinoski met with ECE Biology Instructors for their annual professional development conference.

The group met to discuss future curriculum directions and pedagogy in our classrooms. Later, Dr. Abbott showed Instructors how to use computational techniques in the 3D Modeling of Proteins, and its use in the addressing of complex health problems and its possible implementation in ECE Biology classrooms.

The figure below and its description were taken from a public protein database and can be visualized and analyzed using a computer-modeling program called PyMol.

“Spike glycoprotein, a class I fusion protein harboring the surface of SARS-CoV-2 (SARS-CoV-2S), plays a seminal role in the viral infection starting from recognition of the host cell surface receptor, attachment to the fusion of the viral envelope with the host cells”

The morning ended with a discussion on the merits of molecular modeling skill development and its implementation in our classrooms. Dr. Abbott and Dr. Malinoski also shared a scientific animation project with the instructors.


UConn Biology courses offered through Early College Experience.

Spring 2021 UConn ECE Marine Sciences Workshop

Spring 2021 UConn ECE Marine Sciences Workshop

On Tuesday, March 30thUConn Early College Experience and UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator for Marine Sciences, Claudia Koerting, met with ECE Marine Sciences Instructors for their annual professional development conference.

The group met to discuss the positives and negatives of teaching during COVID-19 and their shared ideas for projects at home and virtually. Later, the group discussed the book “Soul of an Octopus “, by Sy Montgomery which they received  in advance of the workshop day to discuss with UConn Faculty panel:

  • Jamie Kleinman, Assoc. Professor in Residence of Psychology at UConn Avery Point
  • Patti Brown, Adjunct Faculty at UConn Avery Point. Patti was a high school teacher at Fitch and has her master’s from UConn in oceanography and has experience teaching heartfulness/meditation
  • Karen Dobley Adjunct Professor at UConn Avery Point whose expertise is in animal behavior and ecology.









UConn ECE Marine Science courses offered through ECE.

Spring 2021 UConn ECE Italian Workshop

Spring 2021 UConn ECE Italian Workshop

On Wednesday, March 24thUConn Early College Experience and UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator for Italian and Assistant Professor in Residence Tina Chiappetta-Miller met with ECE Italian Instructors for their annual professional development conference.

The group met to discuss teaching during COVID-19 and their best strategies and resources. Later, Assistant Professor Camilla Zamboni from Wesleyan University shared her talk “Teaching Italian through Games: Practical Approaches for a Gameful Pedagogy” with the Instructors.

Each Instructor received a copy of the board game Dixit. The game is based on picture cards that the players use words and expressions in the target language (in this case Italian) to describe in a cooperative and story-building ways. Prof. Zamboni discussed how to adapt games like Dixit to the Italian classroom (as well as provide a few online options) and why games can work as great teaching tools.


UConn ECE Italian courses offered through ECE.



On Wednesday, March 10thUConn Early College Experience and UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator from Engineering Prof. Ross Bagtzoglou met with ECE Engineering Instructors for their annual professional development conference.

Prof. Bagtzoglou invited Associate Professor in Residence Sarira Motaref to speak about the HuskyCT site and course resources and later Department Head & Professor Civil and Environmental Engineering Prof. Maria Chrysochoou and Research Assistant Connie Syharat shared their research “Neurodiverse Initiative Discussion: "Leveraging Neurodiversty for Engineering Innovation" with the group.

UConn Engineering courses offered through UConn ECE.

3-10-2021 UConn ECE American Studies, Latino and Latin American Studies and U.S. History Workshop

3-10-2021 UConn ECE American Studies, Latino and Latin American Studies and U.S. History Workshop

On Wednesday, March 10th  UConn Early College Experience and UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator for American Studies Laurie Wolfley, Faculty Coordinator for Latino and Latin American Studies Anne Gebelein, and Faculty Coordinator for U.S. History Matt McKenzie met with ECE American Studies, Latino and Latin American and U.S. History Instructors for a professional development conference.

Prof. Gebelein spoke about "Mass Deportation" and engaged in a Q&A session with the group afterwards. Later, certified UConn ECE Instructors Veda Harris (Waterbury Schools) offered resources for teachers teaching Latino studies and Kim Childress and Matt Hay (Hartford Schools) shared how they integrate Latino and African-American voices into their 11th grade US History class. After a short break, Instructors broke into groups to encourage listening across disciplines for collaborative potential.

UConn American StudiesU.S. HistoryLatino and Latin American Studies courses offered through UConn ECE.

Spring 2021 UConn ECE Allied Health Workshop

Spring 2021 UConn ECE Allied Health Workshop

On Wednesday, March 3rd , UConn Early College Experience and UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator from Allied Health Sciences Prof. Bruce Blanchard met with ECE Allied Health Instructors for their annual professional development conference.

Prof. Blanchard discussed AH 1100, AH 2001 and AH 4092 courses with the Instructors and spoke to course content, the HuskyCT sites, assessments, and their challenges and concerns they’ve experienced teaching their courses remotely this year. Later in the afternoon, guest speaker Dean McKay, PhD, ABPP; Department of Psychology Professor; Fordham University spoke to the Instructors about "Unique Stressors in the Age of COVID: Five Major Dimensions and General Coping Strategies".

UConn Allied Health courses offered through UConn ECE.

Spring 2021 UConn ECE Spanish Workshop

Spring 2021 UConn ECE Spanish Workshop

On Friday, February 26thUConn Early College Experience and UConn ECE Faculty Coordinators from UConn’s Literatures, Cultures and Languages Department (Spanish), Guillermo B. Irizarry and Eduardo Urios-Aparisi met with ECE Spanish Instructors for their annual professional development conference.

Guest speaker Carlos Gardeazábal-Bravo from Colby College shared his presentation “Taller multimodal sobre derechos humanos latinoamericanos” (“Multimodal workshop on Latin American Human Rights”) with the group and answered their questions. His talk included the implementation of film and other practical applications.









After Dr. Gardeazábal-Bravo’s talk, ECE Faculty Coordinators Prof. Irizarry and Prof. Urios-Aparisi spoke with the ECE Spanish Instructors to discuss issues and resources of environmental issues and their course specific questions and concerns.

UConn Spanish courses offered through UConn ECE.

Spring 2021 UConn ECE American Studies, Latino and Latin American Studies and U.S. History Workshop

Spring 2021 UConn ECE American Studies, Latino and Latin American Studies and U.S. History Workshop


On Wednesday, February 10th  UConn Early College Experience and UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator for American Studies Laurie Wolfley, Faculty Coordinator for Latino and Latin American Studies Anne Gebelein, and Faculty Coordinator for U.S. History Matt McKenzie met with ECE American Studies, Latino and Latin American and U.S. History Instructors for a professional development conference.

Guest speaker Dexter Gabriel shared his research about Juneteenth and the origins of Black History Month with the group. After his talk, he engaged in an interactive group discussion with Instructors. Dr. Gabriel is an

After a short break, the attendees broke into small groups to discuss their favorite lessons and ideas for envisioning new lessons revolving around African American and Latino History. Later the instructors spent time in a discipline specific breakout session with their faculty coordinator discussing their course specific questions.


UConn American Studies, U.S. History, Latino and Latin American Studies courses offered through UConn ECE.

Spring 2021 UConn ECE Maritime Studies Workshop

Spring 2021 UConn Early College Experience Maritime Studies Workshop


On Wednesday, January 13th UConn Early College Experience and UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator for Maritime Studies Laurie Wolfley met with ECE Maritime Studies Instructors for their annual professional development conference.

Also in attendance were UConn faculty members, Mary K Bercaw Edwards, Syma Ebbin and Nathaniel Trumbull. ECE Instructors and UConn Faculty enjoyed a group enjoyed conversation about how they are teaching their courses in remote and hybrid settings.

Later, Mary K Bercaw Edwards and Craig Edwards shared an interdisciplinary workshop on “Rudyard Kipling’s Captains Courageous” complete with live and prerecorded musical performances of period music played and sang by Craig on multiple instruments including guitar, fiddle, mandolin, accordion and banjo. After a short break, Syma Ebbin shared her talk “Climate Change: Impacts and Solutions” with the group and a short Q&A period occurred.

UConn Maritime Studies courses offered through UConn ECE.

Spring 2021 UConn ECE Chemistry Workshop

Spring 2021 UConn Early College Experience Chemistry Workshop


On Wednesday, January 6th  UConn Early College Experience and UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator for Chemistry Dr. Fatma Selampinar met with ECE Chemistry Instructors for their annual professional development conference.

The group enjoyed a conversation about how they are teaching their UConn chemistry courses in remote and hybrid settings. Also discussed were questions about course content and final exams.

Later the group participated in an interactive presentation by Dr. Jessica Rogue Department of Chemistry, University of Connecticut titled “Integrating lessons in Bionanotechnology Research with Lessons in Teaching.”

UConn Chemistry courses offered through UConn ECE.

Fall 2020 UConn ECE Math Workshop

Fall 2020 UConn Early College Experience Math Workshop

On Thursday, December 10th UConn Early College Experience and UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator for Math, Assistant Professor in Residence, Anthony Rizzi met with ECE Math Instructors for their annual professional development workshop. Instructors received a copy of How to Bake Pi: An Edible Exploration of the Mathematics of Mathematics by Eugenia Cheng.

The group met in both small breakout groups and as a whole group to discuss teaching during a pandemic, best practices for teaching Math 1030Q and 1131Q/1132Q and strategies for covering course materials. Later the group discussed Part 1 of How to Bake Pi and how it to relate the concepts to their students.

UConn Math courses offered through UConn ECE.

Fall 2020 UConn ECE Anthropology Workshop

Fall 2020 UConn Early College Experience Anthropology Workshop

On Friday, December 4th UConn Early College Experience and UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator for Anthropology Associate Professor Dr. Alexia Smith met with ECE Anthropology Instructors for their annual professional development conference. Instructors received two books in preparation for the meeting.

  • White Fragility by Robin Diangelo
  • Eating Culture by Gillian Crowther

The group had a productive conversation about the two books and discussed strategies for teaching race and racism today as well as ways to use ethnographic observations of food as a platform for discussing broad anthropological concepts.

UConn Anthropology courses offered through UConn ECE.

Fall 2020 UConn ECE Physics Workshop

Fall 2020 UConn Early College Experience Physics Workshop

On Thursday, December 3rd  UConn Early College Experience and UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator for Physics David Perry met with ECE Physics Instructors for their annual professional development conference.

The group had a lively conversation regarding UConn physics labs and the labs Instructors are overseeing in the high schools both in an in person and remote learning settings. Also discussed were questions about course content and final exams.

Later the group viewed a presentation by Profs. Gerald Dunne and Jon Trump, Department of Physics, University of Connecticut titled, Black Holes: The 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics.


UConn Physics courses offered through UConn ECE.

Fall 2020 UConn ECE Human Development and Family Sciences Workshop

Fall 2020 UConn Early College Experience HDFS Workshop

On Tuesday, December 1st UConn Early College Experience and UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator for Human Development and Family Sciences Dr. Shannon Weaver met with ECE HDFS Instructors for their annual professional development conference.

Featured presentation by Kaylee Jangula Mootz.

UConn HDFS courses offered through UConn ECE.

Fall 2020 UConn ECE European History (HIST 1400) Workshop

Fall 2020 UConn Early College Experience European History (HIST 1400) Workshop

On Wednesday, November 18th UConn Early College Experience and UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator for History Prof. Kenneth Gouwens met with ECE European History Instructors for their annual professional development conference.

Featured presentation by Dr. Paula Findlen, Pierotti Professor, Dept. of History, & Co-Director, Suppes Center for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology at Stanford University.

“The Scientific Revolution: Paradigm Shifts, Old and New"

Following the lecture, Prof. Findlen discussed her current research and then lead a discussion of some historical documents.

UConn History courses offered through UConn ECE.

Fall 2020 UConn ECE Sociology Workshop

Fall 2020 UConn Early College Experience Sociology Workshop

On Wednesday, November 18th UConn Early College Experience and UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator for Sociology. Prof. Mary Bernstein met with ECE Sociology Instructors for their annual professional development conference.

Prior to the meeting the group read "Homeroom Security: School Discipline in an Age of Fear" by Aaron Kupchik. The morning was spent discussing their teaching environments and school security.

UConn Sociology courses offered through UConn ECE.

Fall 2020 UConn ECE English Conference

Fall 2020 UConn Early College Experience English Conference

On Monday, November 16th UConn Early College Experience and UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator for English Prof. Scott Campbell. met with ECE English Instructors for their semi-annual professional development conference.

The them for the conference was Thinking Beyond Curriculum: Anti-Racist Writing Assessment. The morning consisted of short panel presentations by: Arri Weeks, Jason Scavotto, Lalitha Kasturirangan, Elizabeth Maurer, Mary Rose Meade, Ann Trapasso, Scott Campbell, Danielle Pieratti.  Later Instructors were split into smaller breakout groups for readings and discussion.

UConn ECE English site

UConn English courses offered through UConn ECE.

Fall 2020 UConn ECE Philosophy Workshop

UConn Early College Experience Philosophy Workshop

On Friday, October 30th UConn Early College Experience and UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator for Philosophy. Prof. Mitch Green met with ECE Philosophy Instructors for their annual professional development conference.

Prof. Lauren Bialystok, from the University of Toronto discussed her research “ Presentation on Philosophy in Ontario High Schools” and later “Secondary Teacher Preparation for Philosophy Teaching”.

Later in the afternoon, Prof. Green and Instructors discussed the book “Existentialism, A Very Short Introduction” by Thomas Flynn. Which was provided to instructors prior to the workshop.


UConn Philosophy courses offered through UConn ECE.

Fall 2020 UConn ECE Economics Workshop

UConn Early College Experience Economics Workshop

On Wednesday, October 28th UConn Early College Experience and UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator for Economics. Prof. Natalia V. Smirnova met with ECE Economics Instructors for their annual professional development conference.

The day was broken into three sessions:

Remote Active Learning with FRED Interactives

Diego Mendez-Carbajo, Senior Economic Education Specialist

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Bio: https://research.stlouisfed.org/staff/mendez-carbajo/


Teaching New Tools of Monetary Policy

Scott A. Wolla, Economic Education Coordinator

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Bio: https://research.stlouisfed.org/staff/wolla


Teaching Digitally Minded Students during the Pandemic and Beyond

Carlos J. Asarta, Professor of Economics, Director - Center for Economic Education and Entrepreneurship, University of Delaware

Bio: https://lerner.udel.edu/faculty-staff-directory/carlos-asarta/


Instructors were also provided with a copy of “More from Less : The Surprising Story of How We Learned to Prosper Using Fewer Resources-- and What Happens Next" by Andrew McAfee.


UConn Economics classes offered through UConn ECE.

Fall 2020 UConn ECE LMS Workshop

UConn Early College Experience LMS Workshop

On Wednesday, October 20th UConn Early College Experience and staff from UConn’s Homer Babbidge Library met with ECE Library Media Specialists via WebEx to provide an update regarding library access, resources and information.

Topics covered in the first session include:

  • Computer Services (NetID, Software, UConn Anyware) - ITS Staff
  • Borrowing and Library Cards- Kim Wilk
  • Interlibrary Services – Terry Palacios
  • UConn Library Website & Online Resources Highlights – Sheila Lafferty


Later in the morning the group split into breakout sessions. Sessions were:

  • STEM Resources – Renee Walsh
  • English (English 1010, English 1011) – Beth Rumery
  • History – Shelley Goldstein
  • Professional Development Resources – Sheila Lafferty

Resources can be referenced at: https://guides.lib.uconn.edu/ECE.  

2020 UConn ECE Political Science Workshop

UConn Early College Experience Political Science Workshop

On Friday, October 16th UConn Early College Experience and UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator for Political Science, Prof. Fred Turner met with ECE Political Science Instructors for their annual professional development conference.

First, David Yalof, Professor and Department Head with UConn’s Department of Political Science chaired a group discussed about teaching political science courses in the current global climate, and later we were fortunate to have Dr. Meira Levinson, Professor of Education Harvard Graduate School of Education share her talk "Teacher Speech and Dilemmas of "Partisanship" in K-12 Classrooms". Participants broke into groups to discuss a case study: “Talking Out of Turn: Teacher Speech for Hire” by Ellis Reid, Meira Levinson, and Jacob Fay.

Resources can be referenced at: http://justiceinschools.org

    UConn Political Science classes offered through UConn ECE.

    2020 UConn ECE SPSS Workshop

    UConn Early College Experience Sustainable Plant and Soil Systems (SPSS) Workshop

    On Wednesday, October 14th UConn Early College Experience and UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator for SPSS, Prof. Julia Kuzovkina met with ECE SPSS Instructors for their annual professional development conference.

    The group discussed Phytotechnology (the use of plants for ecosystem services) and Phytoremediation (the practice of using living plants to clean up soil, air and water). Participants also received a free copy of Nature's Best Hope: A New Approach to Conservation that Starts in Your Yard by Douglas W. Tallamy which was discussed as a part of the professional development conference.

      UConn Sustainable Plant and Soil Systems classes offered through UConn ECE.

      2020 UConn ECE Chinese Workshop

      UConn Early College Experience Chinese Workshop and NACCL-32

      On Friday September 18th UConn Early College Experience and the UConn ECE Chinese faculty invited all certified UConn ECE Chinese Instructors to attend their annual professional development meeting via Zoom. This year's meeting was held in conjunction with the 32nd North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics.

      The theme of NACCL-32 is collaborativity and interdisciplinarity in Chinese linguistic studies.

      9:00 – 9:05 Welcome remarks 

      NACCL-32 Program Chair, Professor Chunsheng Yang

      Dr. Juli Wade, Dean of College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, UConn

      9:05 – 10:05 Keynote 1 – Professor James Huang, Harvard University

      Chair: Professor Zeljko Boskovic

      Title: More on Locality, Focus and Covert Movement 

      10:15-11:15 Keynote  2 –  Professor Yi Xu, University College London 

      Chair: Professor Jisheng Zhang

      Title: Toward modeling-based linguistic research

      11:20-12:20 Keynote 3 – Professor Nan Jiang, University of Maryland 

      Chair: Professor Chunsheng Yang

      Title: The stroke number effect in visual word recognition among CSL learners

      The session was recorded and can be referenced here.


        UConn Chinese classes offered through UConn ECE.

        2019 Math Professional Development Workshop

        On Wednesday, December 18th UConn Early College Experience and the Math Department invited all certified Math Instructors to campus for their professional development workshop.

        UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator for Math, Anthony Rizzie coordinated the day which included, a general program overview and updates, class discussions (specific to each UConn Math class offered through ECE 1030Q, 1131Q and 1132Q) and both an individual and group math competition.  Congratulations to the group competition winners on Team Enjoying Calculus Everyday (ECE): John Tedesco (East Granby), James Tierinni (Manchester), Cathy Mazzotta (Manchester), Mike Escedy (Joel Barlow), Mari O'Rourke (Masuk), Ryan Corcoran (Windham), and Irina Lavruk (STMHS New London)!


          UConn Math classes offered through UConn ECE.