
Explore the UConn Chinese language website for departmental information. Course descriptions below correspond to the UConn undergraduate directory of courses.

CHIN 1114: Intermediate Chinese II

Four credits ($200). Offered Full-year only.

Development of ability to communicate in Chinese, orally and in writing.

Eligibility Guidelines: Three or more years of high school Chinese, or instructor’s consent, is required. Not open for credits to students who have passed CHIN 3210.

CHIN 3210: Chinese Conversation and Composition I

Three credits ($150). Offered Fall only.

Development of ability to communicate in Chinese, orally and in writing.

Eligibility Guidelines: Successful completion of CHIN 1114, or instructor’s consent, is required.

CHIN 3211: Chinese Conversation and Composition II

Three credits ($150). Offered Spring only.

Development of ability to communicate in Chinese, orally and in writing.

Eligibility Guidelines: Successful completion of CHIN 3210, or instructor’s consent, is required.

Instructor Certification Requirements:

The minimum degree requirement for instructors wishing to teach UConn Early College Experience Chinese courses is a Master’s Degree in Chinese or a Master’s Degree in Education with at least two years of Chinese teaching; however, a candidate with a Bachelor’s Degree in Chinese who has completed Chinese coursework at the graduate level or who has taught Chinese for at least six years may be considered. Candidates may be interviewed by the Chinese faculty coordinator before certification is granted.

Instructor Resources:

CHIN 1114 Sample Syllabus (PDF)
CHIN 3210 Sample Syllabus (PDF)
CHIN 3211 Sample Syllabus (PDF)