High School FAQ
Are UConn ECE Instructors paid for teaching courses?
The role of a UConn ECE Instructor is an unpaid role by UConn ECE; however there are many benefits that UConn ECE Instructors receive for their partnership. All certified Instructors have unlimited access to the vast resources available through the University library system and are eligible to receive a UConn ID card, which may allow for educational discounts. UConn ECE Instructors are not eligible for the dependent tuition waiver for UConn families or discounts/lotteries for athletics tickets.
UConn ECE Instructors are also invited to campus once a year to attend their discipline specific professional development training at no charge. All registration costs, including the cost of parking and meals, are included for the day. Often, scholars from UConn and neighboring institutions share their research and knowledge in small group settings, unlike professional development events held elsewhere.
Is there a cost to maintain my certification?
Becoming certified with Early College Experience is not like being a member of an organization where dues are collected. As a certified Instructor with UConn ECE you are a part of over 1,400 high school educators across the state who utilize their unique backgrounds to become certified as UConn ECE Instructors to offer college courses to high school students. To maintain your certification with UConn ECE, you are required to attend one discipline specific professional development event every other year. These events come at no cost to the Instructors or their schools to attend. Should you be unable to attend and your certification depends on it, please reach out to the UConn ECE Program Office to see if a one time workshop attendance waiver can be granted.
What is the role of the UConn Faculty Coordinator? How do I find out who is my Faculty Coordinator?
Faculty Coordinators are UConn professors who manage the UConn ECE course specifications with their appropriate disciplines. Faculty Coordinators review Instructor certification applications with the assistance of their department, lead professional development opportunities, visit partner high schools, and serve as the primary contact for all course-related concerns. For a list of the Faculty Coordinators and their contact information, please visit our Faculty Coordinator page.
Is there a limit on how many students can enroll in my UConn ECE class?
The University of Connecticut’s class size policy varies based on departmental and course specifications. UConn English and Literatures, Cultures & Languages Departments must adhere to the discipline specific policies listed below. All other UConn courses through UConn ECE do not have specific class size limits.
- English 1004 courses cannot exceed 15 students per section. An Instructor may teach no more than two sections of UConn ECE English concurrently without consent of the faculty coordinator.
- English 1010 & 1011 courses cannot exceed 20 students per section. An Instructor may teach no more than two sections of UConn ECE English concurrently without consent of the faculty coordinator.
Is there an additional registration period for students to register for their spring courses?
There is no additional period for students to enroll in spring courses. All courses--Fall, Full-Year, and Spring--are registered for during our registration period in the early Fall. We do understand schedules change at the high school due to circumstances outside of a student’s control. If this occurs, please do not hesitate to notify our office and we will work with you to resolve these types of issues.
How should we notify UConn ECE if a student has dropped a course?
If a student comes to you (school counselor, principal, Site Representative, or Instructor) indicating they need to drop an UConn ECE course or they drop the course at the high school, please direct them to the Student Registration page on our website for detailed instructions on the process to drop. If it is after the registration period has closed, the student will need to complete a Withdrawal Request. A student must follow the UConn ECE processes to drop/withdraw from a course.
During Registration, if a student has added a UConn ECE course to their schedule but already submitted their registration request, what do they do?
A student will need to log back into their UConn.DualEnroll.com account and add the additional course to their schedule. Then their Site Representative and parent/guardian will need to approve the additional course request before they are successfully enrolled in the course.
What do I do if a student has forgotten a Username or Password?
If a student has forgotten their username or password, they can retrieve their username and/or reset their password by using the link on the login screen at UConn.DualEnroll.com. The student can also enter a Help Desk ticket by clicking the red Help Desk button in the upper right corner of the UConn.DualEnroll.com screen.
As the Site Representative, how can I see which step of the process my students are in?
You are able to view the status of the student registration requests by logging into your account at UConn.DualEnroll.com and accessing your dashboard. Your dashboard will show you the tasks that still need to be completed before enrollment can be processed. Tasks assigned to you (confirm course assignment and confirm FRL status) will be highlighted in yellow at the top of the list.
Does UConn ECE provide any scholarship or grant opportunities?
Yes! There are student and Instructor opportunities.
UConn ECE awards five scholarships in three categories to exemplary UConn ECE Students through the UConn ECE Scholarships.
We also offer two scholarships each Fall and Spring semester to teachers who were not certified due to missing graduate courses.
In addition, UConn ECE provides $10,000 in grants to UConn ECE Instructors and high schools for community development and classroom improvement projects.
There is also the opportunity for conference funding for Instructors to attend conferences that promote their UConn classes and concurrent enrollment as a dynamic model for education.
Check out our Funding and Awards page for more information.
Is it possible for the high school to pay for their students’ UConn ECE courses?
Yes! The high school will need to contact the UConn ECE Billing Manager, Jessica Hinckley, at Jessica.Hinckley@uconn.edu for details on the processes and procedures.
How do I know if a student is eligible for an UConn ECE program fee waiver?
Students who are eligible for free or reduced-price meals or free milk in accordance with the Income Guidelines for the National School Lunch Program or deemed “categorically eligible” (e.g., SNAP, TANF, homeless etc.) are eligible for a full program fee waiver. Students attending private schools may also be eligible for fee waivers and should reach out to their Site Representative for additional information and guidance.
During the registration process, students will indicate their status of eligibility for Federally Subsidized Meal Programs, which in turn will be confirmed by the designated High School Site Representative. Students attending a private school (any non-public school) who receive a need-based reduction of tuition (a need-based scholarship) from their high school will receive a UConn ECE fee waiver for all courses. Site Representatives are expected to notify these Students to indicate their qualification in the DualEnroll registration system with instruction from the UConn ECE Program Office and send appropriate documentation to ecebilling@uconn.edu.