
Explore the UConn English website for departmental information. Course descriptions below correspond to the UConn undergraduate directory of courses.

PLEASE NOTE: Per University of Connecticut by-laws, enrollment in ENGL 1004 and ENGL 1007 is capped at 20 students per section.  This enrollment threshold is consistent across Storrs, all regional campuses and all partnering high schools.  For ECE partner high schools, the section enrollment cap is inclusive of all students sitting in the section; those students registered for the  UConn course and those who are not.  Please reach out to the ECE program staff with any questions regarding this policy.

ENGL 1004: Introduction to Academic Writing

Four credits ($200). Offered Fall, Spring, or Full-year.

Development of the reading and writing skills essential to university work. Students placed in ENGL 1004 must pass the course before electing ENGL 1007.

ENGL 1004 is designed to support students who would benefit from a preparatory English course that carries college credit, but have not yet enrolled in ENGL 1007. Please contact the UConn ECE Program Office before considering offering the course as it is not open without approval from our office.

Eligibility Guidelines: Successful completion of two years of high school English is required.

ENGL 1007: Seminar and Studio in Academic Writing and Multimodal Composition

Four credits ($200). Offered Fall, Spring, or Full-year.

College composition through multiple forms of literacy, including rhetorical, digital, and information literacies necessary for twenty-first-century contexts. The development of creatively intellectual inquiries through sustained engagement with texts, ideas, and problems. Emphasis on transfer of writing and rhetorical skills to academic and daily life. ENGL 1007 includes a built-in one-credit studio component.

Eligibility Guidelines: Successful completion of two years of high school English is required. Students placed in ENGL 1004 must pass that class before enrolling in ENGL 1007.

ENGL 3082: Writing Center Practicum

One credit ($50). Offered Fall, Spring, or Full-year.

Introduction to Writing Center pedagogy, theory and research methods. Intended primarily for students staffing UConn ECE Partner School Writing Centers. Students taking this course will be assigned a grade of S (satisfactory) or U (unsatisfactory).

Eligibility Guidelines: Successful completion of two years of high school English is required.  Students should either be enrolled, planning to enroll, or have successful completed  ENGL 1007.

Instructor Certification Requirements:

The preferred preparation for teaching Early College Experience English courses is a Master’s of Arts degree in English.  The minimum degree requirement for teachers wishing to teach Early College Experience English courses is a Master’s of Arts degree in Education with demonstrated secondary English teaching experience.

For all applicants, evidence of graduate coursework in rhetoric and composition: specially courses directly related to the teaching of writing from a college or university English or Writing Department (not a School of Education), is required.

Beginning in January 2024, applicants who cannot demonstrate evidence of graduate coursework in rhetoric and composition must take ENGL 5100: Theory and Teaching of Writing through UConn’s online summer offerings.

Instructors looking to qualify for ENGL 3082: Writing Center Practicum must be eligible to teach ENGL 1007, or are currently certified to teach ENGL 1007 through UConn ECE and the partner school must currently have, or is planning to launch, a high school writing center. Instructors must attend UConn’s Secondary School Writing Centers Conference at least every other year, and preferably each year.

Instructor Resources:

ENGL 1007/ First Year Writing
UConn English Handbook
ECE English Updates and Posts
Sample Course Syllabi available at the First Year Writing Program website

ENGL 3082/ Writing Center
ENGL 3082 Example Syllabus 1.pdf
ENGL 3082 Example Syllabus 2.pdf