Fall 2022 UConn ECE Human Rights and Genocide Workshop

Fall2022 UConn ECE Human Rights Workshop

On Wednesday, October 19th , UConn Early College Experience, and the UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator for Human Rights, Sandra Sirota, Director, Human Rights Close to Home and Assistant Professor in Residence, Experiential Global Learning & Human Rights met with ECE certified Human Rights Instructors for their annual professional development conference.

The group discussed The Human Rights Framework in Social Movements and how to incorporate these ideas into their classrooms. Later, Guest Speaker, S. Garnett Russell, Associate Professor of International and Comparative Education at Teachers College, Columbia University shared a presentation and discussed her book, "Becoming Rwandan", and lead a conversation focused on teaching about the aftermath of genocide.

UConn Human Rights Courses offered through Early College Experience.

Fall 2022 UConn ECE American Studies and U.S. History Workshop

Fall2022 UConn ECE American Studies & U.S. History Workshop

On Wednesday, October 19th , UConn Early College Experience, and the UConn ECE Faculty Coordinators for American Studies, Laurie Wolfley and Prof. Matt McKenzie met with ECE certified American Studies and U.S. History Instructors for their annual professional development conference.

Chris Vials, Professor, English, and Director of American Studies at UConn presented to the group about "Fascism and American Studies"provided resources to help facilitate teaching the topic in the ECE AMST and U.S. History classrooms. Later, Aya Marczyk, Curriculum Development Fellow from Yale University's Fortunoff Video Archive For Holocaust Testimony engaged with Instructors on the topic of Race and Citizenship and provided a Curriculum Overview.

A recording of the workshop and additional resources can be referenced by certified AMST and HIST Instructors on the ECE HuskyCT sites for American Studies and U.S. History.

UConn American Studies and History Courses offered through Early College Experience.

Fall 2022 UConn ECE English Conference

Fall2022 UConn ECE English Conference

On Tuesday, October 18th , UConn Early College Experience, and the UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator for English, Associate Professor, Scott Campbell, met with ECE certified English Instructors for their annual fall professional development conference.

The group discussed Studio Pedagogy: Creative Experimentation and Making Contact with the World: Field Research/Documentary in First Year Writing Courses.  


UConn English Courses offered through Early College Experience.




Fall 2022 UConn ECE Philosophy Workshop

Fall2022 UConn ECE Philosophy Workshop

On Friday, October 14th , UConn Early College Experience, and the UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator for Philosophy, Mitch Green, met with ECE certified PHIL Instructors for their annual professional development conference.

Professor Green shared opportunities for ECE/Philosophy Instructors and students including details about the Ethics Bowl, online courses, APA membership, Squire Foundation, and journals. Later, the group shared their experiences leading philosophical discussions in their classrooms and participated in an exercise on paper grading. After lunch Prof. Green lead a discussion on Applied Philosophy of Language: slurs, dog whistles, gaslighting, and fig leaves and spoke on new directions in Epistemology: Knowledge, understanding and wisdom, with special reference to the epistemic value of fiction.

UConn Philosophy Courses offered through Early College Experience.

Spring 2022 UConn ECE CE 2110 Engineering Workshop

Spring 2022 UConn ECE Civil Engineering Workshop

On Tuesday, May 24thUConn Early College Experience, and the UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator for Engineering, Ross Bagtzoglou, met with ECE certified CE Instructors for their annual professional development conference.

Professor Sarira Motaref, Assistant Director of Faculty Development shared HuskyCT updates and an overview with Instructors. Later, Professor Shinae Jang, Director of Undergraduate Studies, hosted a Neurodiverse Initiative Follow up Discussion: Allowing and Encouraging Creativity in the Statics course.  After a short break, the group met with Prof. Bagtzoglou to discuss their experiences teaching CE2110 in the high schools.

UConn Civil Engineering Courses offered through Early College Experience.

Spring 2022 UConn ECE HDFSWorkshop

Spring 2022 UConn ECE HDFS Workshop

On Tuesday, May 10thUConn Early College Experience, and the UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator for Human Development and Family Sciences, Shannon Weaver, met with ECE certified HDFS Instructors for their annual professional development conference.

Special guest speakers from UConn's HDFS Department, Brian Chapman and Laura Donorfio spoke to the instructors on Aging. Later, the group shared about the courses they are teaching this year.

UConn HDFS Courses offered through Early College Experience.

Spring 2022 UConn ECE Statistics Workshop

Spring 2022 UConn ECE Statistics Workshop

On Monday, May 9thUConn Early College Experience, and the UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator for Statistics, Prof. Nalini Ravishanker, met with ECE certified Statistics Instructors for their annual professional development conference.

Special guest speaker, Michael Saccucci, Ph.D., Assistant Professor in Residence, Department of Statistics, UConn Stamford (formerly at Consumer Reports) spoke to the group about his work at Consumer Reports and statistics and data science in practice.  After a short break, instructors shared with each other about the courses they are teaching this year.

UConn Statistics Courses offered through Early College Experience.

Spring 2022 UConn ECE Art Workshop

Spring 2022 UConn ECE Art Workshop

On Wednesday, April 27thUConn Early College Experience, and the UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator for Art, Prof. Cora Lynn Deibler, met with ECE certified Art Instructors for their annual professional development conference.

The day began with introductions and a roundtable discussion about the critiquing process and innovative solutions for both remote and in person critiquing. Later instructors took turns sharing one piece of student work from their courses and collaborated on a group critique. After a short break the instructors discussed “Imagination and Play—How Sketchbooks Fit into Art 1030” and shared the sketchbook assignment that generated the best student responses.

UConn Art Courses offered through Early College Experience.

Spring 2022 UConn ECE French Workshop

Spring 2022 UConn ECE French Workshop

On Wednesday, April 27th, UConn Early College Experience, and the UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator for French, Prof. Florence Marsal, met with ECE certified French Instructors for their annual professional development conference.

Presentations included:

  • “Le mentir-vrai et l’authenticité de la traduction littéraire”

(The true lie and the authenticity of literary translation)

-Dawn Cornelio, Professeure et Coordinatrice de la Maîtrise en Études Françaises, University of Guelph | Guelph, ON Canada


  • Une autre modernité: le contre-flâneur dans le Paris du XIXe siècle”

(Another modernity: the counter flâneur in 19th century Paris)

- Pauline Levy Valensi, Editorial Assistant for Contemporary French and Francophone Studies: SITES


  • “La face "caché" de l'occident: le français postcolonial”

(The "hidden" face of the West: postcolonial French)

- Hassanaly Ladha, Associate Professor of French and Comparative Literature

Graduate Director, French and Francophone Studies, UConn


After a short break the group reconvened to hear from Aaliyah Castleberry, Career Consultant, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Center for Career Development, UConn who spoke about: “Articulating the Value of a French Degree to Various Audiences”


UConn French courses offered through Early College Experience.

Spring 2022 UConn ECE Allied Health Workshop

Spring 2022 UConn ECE Allied Health Workshop

On Tuesday, April 26th, UConn Early College Experience, and the UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator for Allied Health, Dr. Bruce Blanchard met with certified UConn ECE Allied Health Instructors for their annual professional development conference.

The group discussed and shared best practices for teaching AHS courses including sharing course content, HuskyCT sites, and assessments. They also spent time talking through the challenges they are facing and their concerns and strategies for improvement.

UConn Allied Health courses offered through UConn ECE.

Spring 2022 UConn ECE German Workshop

Spring 2022 UConn ECE German Workshop

On Tuesday April 12th, UConn Early College Experience, and the UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator for German, Prof. Anke Finger  met with certified UConn German Instructors for their annual professional development conference.

The group discussed Art in the German Language Classroom and German Instruction during and after COVID-19.

UConn German courses offered through ECE.

Spring 2022 UConn ECE Biology Workshop

Spring 2022 UConn ECE Biology Workshop

On Thursday, April 7th, UConn Early College Experience, and the UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator for Biological Sciences, Dr. Tom Abbott, and Lab Coordinator Dr. Chris Malinoski, met with certified BIOL 1107: Principles of Biology I and BIOL 1108 Principles of Biology II Instructors for their annual professional development conference.

The group shared how they are teaching the courses in their high schools this year and covered general ECE business discussing texts, labs exercises, exams, and grading. Later special guest, Dr. Morty Ortega, from UConn’s Department of Natural Resources and Environment shared his research on “Socioecology and evolution of the South American camelids" in an interactive presentation with teachers.

UConn Biological Sciences courses offered through ECE.

Spring 2022 UConn ECE Classics Workshop

Spring 2022 UConn ECE Classics Workshop

On Thursday, April 7th, UConn Early College Experience, and the UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator for Classics, Prof. Sara Johnson, met with certified ECE Classics Instructors for their annual professional development conference.

The group shared how they are teaching the courses during during pandemic times. All participants received a copy of "Antigone Rising: The Subversive Power of the Ancient Myths" Kindle Edition by Helen Morales which was discussed for the reminder of the meeting.

UConn Classics courses offered through ECE.

Spring 2022 UConn ECE Geosciences Workshop

Spring 2022 UConn ECE Geosciences Workshop

On Tuesday, April 5th, UConn Early College Experience, and the UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator for Geosciences, Robert (Thor) Thorson, met with certified “GSCI 1051: Earth's Dynamic Environment” Instructors for their annual professional development conference.

The group shared how they are teaching the course in their high school settings this year. Later Thor discussed the upcoming change from GSCI to ERTH, sits visits, text books, the Climate Underground Podcast and NSF ECE Recruitment. Also discussed is UConn’s Geopath’s initiative and how Early College Experience offering UConn’s GSCI 1051 fits into the greater plans for fostering interest in high school students to continue their post-secondary education in the geoscience field.

UConn Geosciences courses offered through ECE.

Spring 2022 UConn ECE Human Rights Workshop

Spring 2022 UConn ECE Human Rights Workshop

On Monday, April 4th, UConn Early College Experience, and the UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator for Human Rights, Assistant Professor in Residence, Sandra Sirota, met with certified ECE Human Rights Instructors for their annual professional development conference.

The Keynote presentation was given by Nancy Flowers – “HRE: Building on the Past, Looking to the Future”. Nancy Flowers is a writer and consultant for human rights education. She has worked to develop Amnesty International’s education program and is a founding member of Human Rights Educators USA, a national human rights education network. As a consultant to governments, nongovernmental organizations, and UN agencies, she has helped establish national and international networks of educators, develop materials, and train activists and professionals in many countries. She is the author and editor of many articles and books on human rights education.

ECE Faculty Coordinator, Sandra Sirota also shared a presentation and led a discussion on Human Rights advocacy from the classroom and instructors had time to share resources and discuss the courses they are teaching (or plan to teach) as well.

UConn Human Rights courses offered through ECE.

Spring 2022 UConn ECE EDCI Workshop

Spring 2022 UConn ECE EDCI Workshop

On Monday, April 4th, UConn Early College Experience, and the UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator for EDCI, Associate Professor, Michele Back, met with certified “EDCI 1100: If you Love It, Teach It” Instructors for their annual professional development conference.

Dr. Michael Dominguez, Assistant Professor, San Diego State University led a conversation incorporating critical and decolonizing approaches to the course. He shared ideas on how to make the course more culturally sustaining, relevant, and engaging for students, as well as how instructors can instill these ideas in their students’ perceptions of themselves as future teachers.

UConn Education courses offered through Early College Experience.

Spring 2022 UConn ECE LLAS Workshop

Spring 2022 UConn ECE Latino & Latin American Studies Workshop

On Friday, April 1st,  UConn Early College Experience, and the UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator for Latin and Latino American Studies, Dr. Anne Gebelein met with certified LLAS Instructors for their annual professional development conference.

Presentations included:

  • El Instituto Presentation by Rodolfo Fernandez, Assistant Professor in Residence, UConn
  • La Plaza Virtual and Elise Weisenbach (Branford High School) & students’ presentation on building curriculum online
  • ECE UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator for LLAS, Anne Gebelein presents on Child Border Art exhibit and activities

UConn LLAS courses offered through Early College Experience.

Spring 2022 UConn ECE Italian Workshop

Spring 2022 UConn ECE Italian Workshop

On Friday, April 1st,  UConn Early College Experience, and the UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator for Italian, Dr. Tina Chiappetta-Miller met with certified Italian Instructors for their annual professional development conference.

The day included:

  • Remarks by Gina Gallo (Bristol Central High School) speaking about her experience in the Ph.D. program at UConn.
  • Special Guest Speaker: Anna Marra, Ph.D., Lecturer in Classics, Humanities and Italian Studies at the University of New Hampshire: "Or ti riman, lettor, sovra 'l tuo banco: In dialogue with Dante"
  • Instructor resource and activity sharing

UConn Italian courses offered through Early College Experience.

Spring 2022 UConn ECE English Conference

Spring 2022 UConn ECE English Conference

On Thursday, March 31st  UConn Early College Experience, and the UConn ECE Faculty Coordinators from English, Profs. Scott Campbell and Jason Courtmanche, and GA Kari Daly met with certified English Instructors for their professional development conference.

The group discussed what’s new—particularly UConn’s ENGL 1007: Seminar and Studio in Academic Writing and Multimodal Composition course. Topics included, the studio experience, designing studio activities, and designing course inquiry. Instructors worked in small groups throughout the day connecting and learning from each other as we prepare for the shift to ENGL 1007 for 2022-2023.

UConn English courses offered through Early College Experience.

Spring 2022 UConn ECE Animal Science Workshop

Spring 2022 UConn ECE Library Media Specialists Training

On Thursday, March 24th UConn Early College Experience, and the UConn ECE Faculty Coordinators for Animal Science, Dr. Jen Nadeau and Dr. Amy Safran met with certified Animal Science Instructors for their annual professional development conference.

Drs. Safran and Nadeau went over guidelines for all ECE instructors including sample syllabi with course descriptions and philosophy, required books, and grading policies. The group also discussed how their courses are going this year before a short break and then visited an ANSC 1602 Behavior and Training of Domestic Animals course where they heard from a representative from Guiding Eyes for the Blind.


UConn Animal Science courses offered through Early College Experience.

Spring 2022 UConn ECE Library Media Specialists Training

Spring 2022 UConn ECE Library Media Specialists Training

On Thursday, March 24th, UConn Early College Experience and colleagues from UConn’s Babbidge Library met with ECE Library Media Specialists from our partner high schools for their spring professional development training session.

Presentations included:


Spring 2022 UConn ECE EPSY (Special Education) Workshop

Spring 2022 UConn ECE EPSY (Special Education) Workshop

On Tuesday, March 8th, UConn Early College Experience, and the UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator for Educational Psychology, Prof. Joe Madaus met with certified EPSY 1100: Special Education Instructors for their annual professional development conference.

Dr. Jason Irizarry, Dean of the Neag School of Education welcomed the group and then Dr. Madaus spoke to the instructors about the courses they are teaching in their high schools. Later in the afternoon we were joined by Jonathan Mooney, author of “The Short Bus: A Journey Beyond Normal” who spoke to the group which included a  group of EPSY 1100 Students from Erika Boutote’s classroom at Waterbury Career Academy. This text is used in the EPSY 1100 course.

UConn EPSY courses offered through ECE.

Spring 2022 UConn ECE Environmental Science Workshop

Spring 2022 UConn ECE Environmental Science Workshop

On Wednesday, February 23rd,  UConn Early College Experience, and the UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator for Environmental Science, Prof. Morty Ortega met with certified NRE Instructors for their annual professional development conference.

Guest Lectures:

  • Evan Ward, Department of Marine Sciences, UConn: “Plastic pollution in marine environments: Knowns, unknowns, and uncertainties”
  • Kelly Crandall, Molecular and Cell Biology Department, UConn: “Microplastics, the Microbiome, and how they relate to each other”

*slide from Dr. Ward's presentation

The group also discussed their UConn NRE 1000E courses they are offering in their high schools with Dr. Ortega.


UConn Environmental Science courses offered through ECE.

Spring 2022 UConn ECE HIST 1300 Workshop

Spring 2022 UConn ECE History Workshop

On Tuesday, February 15th, UConn Early College Experience, and the UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator for HIST 1300, Prof. Sherri Olson met with certified History Instructors for their annual professional development conference.

Dr. Olson spoke with the group about the courses they are offering in their high schools and then they discussed Stephen D. White’s article: “Proposing the Ordeal and Avoiding It: Strategy and Power in Western French Litigation, 1050-1100,” from Thomas N. Bisson, ed., Cultures of Power: Lordship, Status, and Process in Twelfth-Century Europe (UPenn Press, 1995): pp. 89-123.


UConn History courses offered through ECE.

Fall 2021 UConn ECE Math Workshop

Fall 2021 UConn ECE Math Workshop

On Monday, December 20th , UConn Early College Experience, and the UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator for Math, Dr. Anthony Rizzie met with certified Math Instructors for their annual professional development conference. Dr. Rizzie spoke with the group about their courses, schedules, expectations and other updates.

Later in the morning, the Instructors broke into groups to discuss best practices and teaching strategies for 1030Q and 1131Q/1132Q. After discussing the courses, the group transitioned to discussing the text Humble Pi: When Math Goes Wrong in the Real World by Matt Parker which was provided to all Instructors in advance of the workshop.


UConn Math courses offered through ECE.