
Explore the UConn Anthropology website for departmental information. Course descriptions below correspond to the UConn undergraduate directory of courses.

ANTH 1000: Peoples and Cultures of the World

Three credits ($150). Offered Fall, Spring, or Full-year.

An introduction to the anthropological understanding of human society through ethnographic case studies of selected peoples and cultures, exploring the richness and variety of human life. Encourages students to learn about different cultures and to apply their knowledge to make sense of their own society.

Eligibility Guidelines: Successful completion of two years of high school or equivalent through grade advancement and instructor consent is required.

ANTH 1500: Great Discoveries in Archeology

Three credits ($150). Offered Fall, Spring, or Full-year.

Surveys of important discoveries in archeology spanning the whole of human prehistory across the globe. Current issues, methods, and techniques in the field of archeology.

Eligibility Guidelines: Successful completion of two years of high school or equivalent through grade advancement and instructor consent is required.

Instructor Certification Requirements:

The preferred qualifications to become a fully certified Anthropology instructor through UConn ECE is a Bachelor’s degree in Anthropology and a Master’s degree in Anthropology or History with evidence of a high-level of content mastery.

Instructors may also be certified Provisionally for their first year of teaching the course if they have earned a Bachelor’s degree in Anthropology, History, or a closely related subject area and a Master’s degree from an accredited University/College (e.g., Education or related academic discipline). Provisionally approved Instructors will also need to audit UConn’s ANTH 1000 (online) or 1500 (online) course before their first year of teaching Anthropology courses through UConn ECE. Provisional certification may be updated to full certification status after the completion of the provisional year upon review of the Faculty and UConn ECE Program.

Instructor Resources:

ANTH 1000 Sample Syllabus.pdf
ANTH 1500 Sample Syllabus.pdf