Month: May 2021

Spring 2021 UConn ECE Music Workshop

Spring 2021 UConn ECE Music Workshop

On Tuesday, May 25th  UConn Early College Experience and Faculty from UConn's Music Department, Blake Taylor, Dr. Eric Rice and Dr. Daniel Goldberg  met with certified Music Instructors for their annual professional development workshop.

The group started the day with a round table discussion about teaching ear training during the pandemic. Topics discussed included how the courses ran at UConn, how the courses ran in the high schools and what new resources were used due to the remote nature of the courses this year. Later in the morning, Prof. Daniel Goldberg, UConn Assistant Professor in Residence shared a presentation and discussed ear training and how to help struggling students in the course move forward.

UConn Music courses offered through Early College Experience.

Spring 2021 UConn ECE Statistics Workshop

Spring 2021 UConn ECE Statistics Workshop

On Wednesday May 19th  UConn Early College Experience and the UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator for Statistics, Professor Nalini Ravishanker met with certified Statistics Instructors for their professional development workshop.

Kathy Ensor, President-elect of the American Statistical Association gave the keynote presentation. She discussed news from ASA and efforts in support of Houston’s Management of the Pandemic. The group also discussed the 2020 census.

After a short break, there were presentations by UConn ECE Statistics Instructors, Nicole Cowles (Nonnewaug High School), Boyd Johnson (Lyman Hall High School), and Kelsey Kapalczynski(Wethersfield High School) about using Desmos and Pear Deck and an open discussion. Later Prof. Ravishanker shared two interesting data samples before concluding the workshop.


UConn Statistics courses offered through Early College Experience.

Spring 2021 UConn ECE Art Workshop

Spring 2021 UConn ECE Art Workshop

On Wednesday May 19th UConn Early College Experience and the UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator for Art, Department Head, ad interim and Professor of Illustration Cora Lynn Deibler met with certified Art Instructors for their professional development workshop.

The group started the day with a round table discussion about teaching studio art during the pandemic—trials, tribulations and best practices.  Later UConn ECE Instructor’s shared student work with each other and discussed grading strategies.  After a short break the instructors spoke about teaching and being an artist—how to balance two full time professions and not go crazy!

UConn Art courses offered through Early College Experience.

Spring 2021 UConn ECE HDFS Workshop

Spring 2021 UConn ECE HDFS Workshop

On Tuesday, May 11th  UConn Early College Experience and the UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator for Human Development and Family Sciences, Associate Professor Shannon Weaver met with certified HDFS  Instructors for their spring professional development workshop.

The group started with a celebration of past year successes and later broke into small groups to review and discuss course objectives and course topic additions. Later in the day Dr. Weaver gave the keynote presentation:

“"Revisiting the Theories Used to Structure the Course: Systems Theories"

Shannon E Weaver, Ph.D., Faculty Coordinator, HDFS 1070 ECE Program, UConn Associate Professor, Dept of Human Development & Family Sciences, UConn


To end the day there was a final breakout session where textbooks. desired resources and the future of fieldwork was discussed.


UConn HDFS courses offered through Early College Experience.

Spring 2021 UConn ECE Classics Workshop

Spring 2021 UConn ECE Classics Workshop

On Tuesday, May 5th UConn Early College Experience and the UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator for Classics, Sara Johnson (Associate Professor, Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies) met with certified Classics Instructors for their annual professional development workshop.

Instructors received an electronic copy of "Ethnicity in the Ancient World – Did it matter" by Erich S. Gruen.

The group divided up the text to provide brief summaries of each chapter and share questions and their thoughts.  Chapter topics are listed below:

  • Were Barbarians Barbaric?
  • Herodotus and Greekness
  • The Racial Judgments of Polybius
  • Rome’s Multiple Identities and Tangled Perspectives
  • Constructed Ethnicities in Republican Italy
  • The Chosen People and Mixed Marriages
  • Did Hellenistic Jews Consider Themselves a Race or a Religion?
  • Philo and Jewish Ethnicity
  • The Ethnic Vocabulary of Josephus
  • The Racial Reflections of Paul
  • Christians as a “Third Race”

UConn Classics courses offered through Early College Experience.