Spring 2024 UConn ECE Statistics Workshop

Spring 2024 UConn ECE Statistics Workshop

On Monday, May 20th UConn Early College Experience, and the UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator from Statistics, Prof. Nalini Ravishanker met with a group of 44 UConn ECE certified Statistics teachers for their annual professional development workshop. The day included a presentation by James O’Donnell, Prof. Marine Sciences Department, UConn, and Director of Connecticut Institute for Resilience & Climate Adaptation (CIRCA): “Analyzing Coastal Flooding in CT and Climate Resilience”. Prof. O’Donnell spoke about the impacts of sea level rise, and more technically about the changing risk of flooding at the shoreline.

Later Elizabeth Schifano, Prof. and UG Program Director, Statistics spoke about data science programs at UConn. After a short break, the group reconvened to discuss a variety of topics including:

  • Homework assigning and grading at UConn (Amie O’Brien).
  • Mixture of traditional lecture & working problems in class vs. doing more hands-on investigations and labs, experiments where students use inference procedures (Amy Bigelow).
  • Switching from traditional textbook problems to one more involved free response problem set each week (Amy Bigelow).
  • Combined AP/ECE classes - finishing the entire curriculum by the beginning of May (before AP exam), what do the ECE students do in May-June? (Marcjanna Lungarini).

UConn Statistics courses offered through ECE.

This entry was posted in PD, STAT.