Month: April 2024

Spring 2024 UConn ECE Biology Workshop

Spring 2024 UConn ECE Biology Workshop

On Tuesday, April 30th UConn Early College Experience, and the UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator from Biology, Dr. Tom Abbott met with a group of 34 UConn ECE certified Biology Instructors for their annual professional development workshop.

After opening remarks the teachers embarked on a campus trail walk led by Dr. Abbott. The theme for the day was “In the “Heat” of the Moment, Forests Move Center Stage” and the group took a campus field walk through small forest stands. After the walk, teachers reconvened for lunch and additional conversation about their UConn BIOL 1107 and 1108 courses with Dr. Abbott.

UConn Biology courses offered through ECE

Spring 2024 UConn ECE English Conference

Spring 2024 UConn ECE English Conference

On Friday, April 26th UConn Early College Experience, and the UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator from English, Prof. Scott Campbell and Graduate Assistant Adam McLain met with a group of almost 80 UConn ECE certified English Instructors for an in person professional development workshop on UConn’s Hartford campus.

The theme for the Spring 2024 conference was “Inquiring About Writing: Syllabi and Texts in the ECE English High School Classroom”. The conference brought together ECE English teachers to reflect on how to improve syllabi, use different texts with teaching, and implement first-year writing in high school classrooms for the next school year.

Sessions included:

"Barbie, Literary Theory, and Art" Course Unit Discussion

Advisory Board Member Kevin Barbero provided an example of a course arc focused around Barbie, literary theory, and art, showcasing his assignments and syllabus architecture for this unit. Teachers engaged in a workshop discussion about course inquiry and teaching units in the ECE English high school classroom with Kevin's example as the jumping off point.

Wadsworth Atheneum: Engaging with Inquiry, Identity, and Writing

Arri Weeks took a group to the Wadsworth Museum in downtown Hartford. The group thought about inquiry, texts, identity, and writing as it relates to an exhibit in the museum.

New(er) Teacher Intensive Workshop

Kyle Candia-Bovi and Alexa Kydd works with new(er) ECE English teachers thinking about the yearlong ENGL 1004 or 1007 classroom in the high school setting. They provided examples from their syllabi about how to turn the usually semester-long ENGL 1007 into a yearlong course.

Group Working Room

Emily Genser and Ramona Puchalski-Piretti hosted a session for those looking to have some quiet time to work on course materials in an hour-long guided working session.

"The Good Place, Literary Theory, and Philosophy" Course Unit Discussion

Kristen Rotherham provided an example of a course arc focused on The Good Place, literary theory, and philosophy, showcasing her assignments and syllabus architecture for this unit. Teachers engaged in a workshop discussion about course inquiry and teaching units in the ECE English high school classroom with Kristen's example as the jumping off point.


UConn English courses offered through ECE

Spring 2024 UConn ECE Italian Workshop

Spring 2024 UConn ECE Italian Workshop

On Thursday, April 4th UConn Early College Experience, and the UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator from Italian, Prof. Tina Chiapetta Miller met with a group of 10 UConn ECE certified Italian Instructors for their annual professional development workshop.

After opening remarks and an announcement of the multimedia content winners, the group heard from, UConn current PhD candidate, Danielle Pieratti on “"Traduttore / Traditore? Translation Pedagogies for ECE Italian".

Danielle Pieratti is an educator, poet, translator, and PhD candidate at the University of Connecticut. She has taught in secondary and post-secondary settings for more than twenty years. She is the author most recently of Approximate Body (Carnegie Mellon University Press 2023), and her first book, Fugitives (Lost Horse Press 2016), won the 2017 Connecticut Book Award for poetry. Transparencies, her translated volume of works by Italian poet Maria Borio, was released by World Poetry Books in 2022. She currently serves as poetry editor for the international literary journal Asymptote, and her latest manuscript is a collection of hybrid works inspired by translations of Dante's Purgatorio.

*Image is San Girolamo nello studio, c. 1475, di Antonello da Messina (1430-1479)


UConn Italian courses offered through ECE