Spring 2023 UConn ECE English Workshop: Infographics in ENGL 1007

Spring 2023 UConn ECE English Conference

On Wednesday, March 29th, UConn Early College Experience English Instructors and faculty from the English Department met for a virtual professional development workshop. The topic was “Infographics in ENGL 1007”.  Infographics can be a powerful tool for remediating one’s original written work, can be used to interpret data or other textual information, or can stand on their own as a way to present information to the audience in an engaging way. Visual design is a broad topic, and infographics can include anything from maps and graphs, to illustrated recipes, to collages! The group discussed these diverse examples and what tools/platforms can be used to design infographics, the affordances, and limitations of visual genres, and what it means to do visual in the composition classroom.

UConn English courses offered through Early College Experience.

This entry was posted in ENGL, PD.