On Monday, October 21st, UConn Early College Experience hosted a professional development workshop for certified ECE Music teachers, under the guidance of Shannon McAlister, our ECE Faculty Coordinator for Music. Instructors convened on the UConn Storrs campus, and spent the morning sharing stories from their own classrooms and teaching philosophies, followed by a guest lecture from visiting UConn professor Dr. Elizabeth Sallinger. Dr Sallinger’s research interests are focused around orchestration and storytelling in musical theatre, and she treated our instructors to an informative lecture entitled, “Facing the Future: Exploring Education in Popular Music.” Goals for the day included disseminating resources for instructors to utilize in their classrooms, and providing opportunities to compare and discuss classroom experiences, allowing instructors to learn with and from one another.
Thank you to all who joined us for an enriching experience!
UConn Music Courses offered through Early College Experience.