Spring 2021 UConn ECE Medieval History (HIST 1300) Workshop

Spring 2021 UConn ECE Medieval History (HIST 1300) Workshop

On Thursday, April 22nd  UConn Early College Experience and the UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator for Medieval History, Prof. Sherri Olson met with certified HIST 1300 Instructors for their annual professional development workshop. Instructors were asked to read Carlo Ginzburg's, The Night Battles: Witchcraft & Agrarian Cults in the Sixteenth & Seventeenth Centuries (first published in Italian in 1966, first English translation 1983). The group had an interactive conversation about teaching during COVID-19 and later held a scholarly discussion about the text.

If you’re interested in looking at the text, it is available free of charge at archive.org (direct link: https://archive.org/details/nightbattleswitc00ginz/mode/2up). To read it you can create a free account which allows you to check it out for one hour or for 14 days.

UConn ECE History courses offered through ECE.

This entry was posted in HIST, PD.