On Thursday, October 17th, UConn Early College Experience hosted a virtual professional development training for certified ECE Library Media Specialists. The group connected via Webex and enjoyed discussions led by several representatives from the UConn Library. Student Success & Engagement Librarian Anna Twiddy kicked things off with a presentation on the library’s electronic resources, which was then followed by a thorough explanation of the library website and all of its search functions, courtesy of Electronic Resources Librarian Kristina Edwards. Ery Caswell, another Student Success & Engagement librarian, then offered an informative introduction into the Interlibrary Services available to ECE students and instructors. Terry Palacios, an Associate in Interlibrary Services, then provided an overview of using Google Scholar with UConn Library credentials. Finally, Roslyn Kohlbrecher, a Pharmacy Librarian, offered some useful tips regarding the use of AI as a research partner.
Many important resources were shared! If you were unable to join us, we are happy to report that all information will be available on the ECE LibGuide (linked HERE) very soon.
Thank you to all who joined us for an enriching experience!
UConn Library services offered through Early College Experience.