Excellence in The Arts, Humanities, or Social Sciences
This scholarship is intended to celebrate the academic achievement, creativity, and application of one’s UConn ECE experience in the area of Arts, Humanities, or Social Sciences.
To be eligible applicants must:
- Be a senior in high school.
- Demonstrate academic achievement and a potential for future academic and professional accomplishments in a field focusing on the Arts, Humanities or Social Sciences.
- Maintain at least a B or higher in your UConn ECE Arts, Humanities or Social Sciences course(s).
- If a final grade has not been issued, a high school transcript will be assessed for course competency.
- Be enrolled in at least one UConn ECE course during the 2024-2025 academic year (any discipline).
- Previous completion of, or current enrollment in, at least one of the following UConn ECE Arts, Humanities or Social Sciences courses:
- AAAS 2201: Introduction to Asian American Studies
- AMST 1201: Introduction to American Studies
- ANTH 1000: Other People’s World
- ANTH 1500: Great Discoveries in Archeology
- ART 1030: Drawing I
- ASLN 1102: Elementary American Sign Language
- CAMS 1103: Classical Mythology
- CAMS 3101: Topics in Advanced Greek
- CAMS 3102: Topics in Advanced Latin
- CHIN 1114: Intermediate Chinese II
- CHIN 3210: Chinese Conversation and Composition I
- CHIN 3211: Chinese Conversation and Composition II
- COMM 1000: The Process of Communication
- COMM 1100: Principles of Public Speaking
- DMD 1002: Foundations in Digital Media II
- DMD 1101: Design Lab I
- DMD 1102: Design Lab II
- DMD 2210: Film and Video Editing I
- DMD 2500: Introduction to Game Design
- ECON 1000: Essentials of Economics
- ECON 1201: Principles of Microeconomics
- ECON 1202: Principles of Macroeconomics
- EDCI 1100: If You Love It, Teach It
- EDLR 1162: Health & Education in Urban Communities
- EDLR 2001: Contemporary Issues in Sport
- ENGL1004: Introduction to Academic Writing
- ENGL 1007: Seminar and Studio in Academic Writing and Multimodal Composition
- ENGL 3082: Writing Center Practicum
- EPSY 1100: Introduction to Special Education
- FREN 3250: Global Culture in French I
- FREN 3268: Grammar and Composition
- GERM 3233: Building Language Skills through Culture I
- GERM 3255: Studies in 20th Century German Literature
- HDFS: 1070: Individual and Family Development
- HIST 1300: Western Traditions before 1500
- HIST 1400: Modern Western Traditions
- HIST 1501: United States History to 1877
- HIST 1502: United States History since 1877
- HRTS 1007: Introduction to Human Rights
- HRTS 2200: Introduction to Genocide Studies
- ILCS 3239: Italian Composition & Conversation I
- ILCS 3240: Italian Composition & Conversation II
- LLAS 1190: Introduction to Latin America and the Caribbean
- MAST 1200: Introduction to Maritime Culture
- MUSI 1001: Music Appreciation
- MUSI 1003: Popular Music and Diversity in American Society
- MUSI 1011: Fundamentals & Ear Training I
- MUSI 1012: Fundamentals & Ear Training II
- PHIL 1101: Problems of Philosophy
- PHIL 1108E: Environmental Philosophy
- POLS 1002: Introduction to Political Theory
- POLS 1202: Introduction to Comparative Politics
- POLS 1402: Introduction to International Relations
- POLS 1602: Introduction to American Politics
- SOCI 1001: Introduction to Sociology
- SPAN 3177: Composition and Reading for Speakers of Spanish
- SPAN 3178: Intermediate Spanish Composition
- SPAN 3179: Spanish Conversation: Cultural Topics
Student Award
The student chosen for this scholarship will receive a certificate of accomplishment along with a $1,000 monetary award for use towards post-secondary education expenses. Funds will be withheld from this award to cover any outstanding balance with the University of Connecticut, to include tuition and fees for students attending UConn, prior to a check being issued.
Application Procedures
Applicant must submit the following documents:
- An essay which will be reviewed by a committee and should include details regarding your academic achievements and plans for the future. You should also describe how your UConn ECE course (or other course in the field) has helped define your college or career goals. Suggested word count 200 min. – 400 max.
- Submit a document or link to a writing sample, project, photo of artwork, music, etc., created by you, that demonstrates academic excellence or talent in Arts, Humanities, or Social Sciences. Your submission will be evaluated based on originality, mastery of subject matter and presentation. Please note the following guidelines.
- Only ONE submission is allowed per applicant.
- Include a short description of your submission and explain why you chose to submit this piece.
- All artwork submitted must be clearly labeled with directional instructions so the committee knows how to appropriately view your piece(s).
- Because UConn ECE course offerings vary by high school, students who have taken at least one of the above courses may use projects from other high school courses as demonstration of academic achievement in the fields of Arts, Humanities or Social Sciences.
- A resume which includes the name and e-mail address of your instructor(s) for your UConn ECE Arts, Humanities or Social Sciences course(s).
- A copy of your current high school transcript, which displays your outstanding academic achievement as well as enrollment in at least one UConn ECE course.
- Be sure that UConn ECE courses are easily identifiable for the committee reviewing your application.
Application Dates
Applications are accepted from January 17, 2025- March 7, 2025.
All applicants will be notified of their status by May 2025.