
UNIV 1820: First Year Seminar - Intro to Making

One credit ($50). Offered Fall or Spring.

Guided research or reading, discussion, and writing on topics of professional interest to the instructor. The purpose of this course is to become familiar with the basic tools, techniques, processes and mindset of the Maker Movement, and to identify and begin developing a solution to a real, personally relevant problem in an area of interest.

Eligibility Guidelines: Instructor consent is required

Instructor Certification Requirements:

The preferred degree requirements for instructors wishing to teach UConn ECE Intro to Making are as follows. Minimally, applicants will hold a Master’s Degree in a related field and hold a CT teaching certification endorsed for one of the following endorsement areas:
- #042, Art (PK-12) or;
- #047, Technology Education (PK-12) or;
- #062, School Library Media Specialist.
For this course, the first year of certification is provisional, and the faculty course coordinator will mentor the UConn ECE Instructor and oversee implementation of the syllabus and instruction.

Instructor Resources:

UNIV 1802 Sample Syllabus (PDF)