- Course Catalog (PDF)
- Agricultural and Resource Economics
- Allied Health
- American Sign Language*
- American Studies
- Animal Science
- Anthropology
- Art
- Asian and Asian American Studies*
- Biological Sciences
- Business
- Chemistry
- Chinese
- Civil Engineering
- Classics & Ancient Mediterranean Studies
- Communication*
- Computer Science and Engineering*
- Digital Media & Design*
- Earth Sciences*
- Economics
- Education
- English
- French
- German
- History
- Human Development & Family Sciences
- Human Rights
- Italian Literature and Cultural Studies
- Kinesiology*
- Latino & Latin American Studies
- Marine Science
- Maritime Studies
- Mathematics
- Mechanical Engineering
- Music
- Natural Resources and the Environment
- Nutritional Sciences
- Pharmacy
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Political Science
- Public Health
- Sociology
- Spanish
- Statistics
- Sustainable Plant and Soil Systems
- University
Explore the UConn Kinesiology website for departmental information. Course descriptions below correspond to the UConn undergraduate directory of courses.
KINS 1100: Exercise and Wellness for Everyone
Three credits ($150). Offered Fall, Spring, or Full-year.
Overview of the five pillars of health (exercise, nutrition, sleep, stress and relationships); role of exercise in health promotion and disease prevention across the lifespan; impacts of exercise in leisure time, culture, community, careers and the workplace
Eligibility Guidelines: Successful completion of 1 year of high school physical education courses (including health), or consent of the instructor, is recommended.
Instructor Certification Requirements:
The minimum degree requirement for instructors wishing to teach UConn Early College Experience Kinesiology Courses can be met through the following options. Preferred applicants will have a master’s degree in Kinesiology or relevant graduate coursework in a closely related field.
Option 1: A Master’s degree in Kinesiology, Exercise Science, or closely related field; or
Option 2: A Master’s degree in education with a Bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology or closely related field, and hold a CT teaching certification endorsed for either #043 (Health, PK-12) or #044 (Physical Education, PK-12).