- Course Catalog (PDF)
- Agricultural and Resource Economics
- Allied Health
- American Sign Language*
- American Studies
- Animal Science
- Anthropology
- Art
- Asian and Asian American Studies*
- Biological Sciences
- Business
- Chemistry
- Chinese
- Civil Engineering
- Classics & Ancient Mediterranean Studies
- Communication*
- Computer Science and Engineering*
- Digital Media & Design*
- Earth Sciences*
- Economics
- Education
- English
- French
- German
- History
- Human Development & Family Sciences
- Human Rights
- Italian Literature and Cultural Studies
- Kinesiology*
- Latino & Latin American Studies
- Marine Science
- Maritime Studies
- Mathematics
- Mechanical Engineering
- Music
- Natural Resources and the Environment
- Nutritional Sciences
- Pharmacy
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Political Science
- Public Health
- Sociology
- Spanish
- Statistics
- Sustainable Plant and Soil Systems
- University
Agricultural and Resource Economics
Explore the UConn Agricultural and Resource Economics website for departmental information. Course descriptions below correspond to the UConn undergraduate directory of courses.
ARE 1110E: Population, Food, and the Environment*
Three credits ($150). Offered Fall, Spring, or Full-year.
The role of agriculture in the growth and development of societies throughout the world. Economic, social, and environmental problems of food production and resource needs in developing and advanced societies.
Eligibility Guidelines: Instructor consent is required.
ARE 2210: Essentials of Accounting and Business*
Three credits ($150). Offered Fall, Spring, or Full-year.
An analysis of basic business principle, fundamentals, and concepts for agribusiness entrepreneurs.
Eligibility Guidelines: Instructor consent is required.
Instructor Certification Requirements:
The minimum degree requirement for instructors wishing to teach UConn ECE Agricultural & Resources Economics courses can be met through the following options. Preferred applicants will have a Master’s Degree or relevant graduate coursework in a closely related field (as judged by the UConn ARE Department).
Option 1: Instructors should have a Business BA/BS degree and hold a teaching certification endorsed for #010 Business, 7-12; or
Option 2: Instructors should have an agricultural education, natural resources, or a similar BA/BS degree and hold a CT teaching certification endorsed for either #040 Agriculture, PreK-12 or #041 Vocational Agriculture, 7-12; or
Option 3: Instructors should have an environmental science (ARE1110E only), applied economics, resource economics, or a similar BA/BS degree w/relevant coursework; or
Option 4: Instructors hold a Master’s Degree in Education and sufficient undergraduate or graduate courses in accounting (ARE2210 only), environmental science (ARE1110E only), economics/resource economics, or business and/or relevant professional development activities.
For this course, the first year of certification is provisional, and the faculty course coordinator will mentor the UConn ECE Instructor and oversee implementation of the syllabus and instruction.