- Course Catalog (PDF)
- Agricultural and Resource Economics
- Allied Health
- American Sign Language*
- American Studies
- Animal Science
- Anthropology
- Art
- Asian and Asian American Studies*
- Biological Sciences
- Business
- Chemistry
- Chinese
- Civil Engineering
- Classics & Ancient Mediterranean Studies
- Communication*
- Computer Science and Engineering*
- Digital Media & Design*
- Earth Sciences*
- Economics
- Education
- English
- French
- German
- History
- Human Development & Family Sciences
- Human Rights
- Italian Literature and Cultural Studies
- Kinesiology*
- Latino & Latin American Studies
- Marine Science
- Maritime Studies
- Mathematics
- Mechanical Engineering
- Music
- Natural Resources and the Environment
- Nutritional Sciences
- Pharmacy
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Political Science
- Public Health
- Sociology
- Spanish
- Statistics
- Sustainable Plant and Soil Systems
- University
Explore the UConn Mathematics website for departmental information. Course descriptions below correspond to the UConn undergraduate directory of courses.
MATH 1030Q: Elementary Discrete Mathematics
Three credits ($150). Offered Fall, Spring, or Full-year.
Topics chosen from discrete mathematics. May include counting and probability, sequences, graph theory, deductive reasoning, the axiomatic method and finite geometries, number systems, voting methods, apportionment methods, mathematics of finance, number theory.
Eligibility Guidelines: Successful completion of one year of pre-calculus is recommended. Not open for credit to students who have passed any math course other than MATH 1011, 1020, 1030, 1040, 1060 or 1070. UConn ECE Math 1030Q cannot be taken concurrent with or after UConn ECE Math 1131Q or 1132Q.
MATH 1070Q: Mathematics for Business and Economics
Three credits ($150). Offered Fall, Spring, or Full-year.
Linear equations and inequalities, matrices, systems of linear equations, and linear programming; sets, counting, probability and statistics; mathematics of finance; applications to business and economics.
Eligibility Guidelines:
Successful completion of one year of pre-calculus is recommended. Not open for credit to students who have passed Math 1132Q.
MATH 1131Q: Calculus I
Four credits ($200). Offered Fall only.
Limits, continuity, differentiation, antidifferentiation, definite integral, with applications to the physical sciences and engineering sciences. Suitable for students with some prior calculus experience. Substitutes for MATH 1151 as a requirement.
Eligibility Guidelines: Successful completion of one year of pre-calculus is required. A student must pass MATH 1131Q with a grade of a "C" or higher to continue on to MATH 1132Q. To receive credit for the MATH 1131Q – MATH 1132Q sequence a student must pass MATH 1131Q in the Fall with a C or higher and continue to MATH 1132Q in the following Spring. The sequence must be completed in one academic year. Students cannot receive credit for MATH 1131 and MATH 1151.
MATH 1132Q: Calculus II
Four credits ($200). Offered Spring only. Prerequisite: MATH 1131Q in the immediately preceding semester.
Transcendental functions, formal integration, polar coordinates, infinite sequences and series, vector algebra and geometry, with applications to the physical sciences and engineering. Substitutes for MATH 1122 as a requirement.
Eligibility Guidelines: Successful completion of one year of pre-calculus is required. A student must pass MATH 1131Q with a grade of a “C” or higher to continue on to MATH 1132Q. To receive credit for the MATH 1131Q – MATH 1132Q sequence a student must pass MATH 1131Q in the Fall with a C or higher and continue to MATH 1132Q in the following Spring. The sequence must be completed in one academic year.
MATH 2110Q: Multivariable Calculus*
Four credits ($200). Offered Fall only. Prerequisite: MATH 1132Q in the immediately preceding semester.
Two- and three-dimensional vector algebra, calculus of functions of several variables, vector differential calculus, line and surface integrals.
Eligibility Guidelines: Successful completion of MATH 1132Q with a grade of a “C” or better. MATH 2110Q can only be taken the following fall semester after completion of 1132Q.
Instructor Certification Requirements:
MATH 1030Q, MATH 1070Q*, MATH 1131Q**, & MATH 1132Q** The minimum degree requirement for instructors wishing to teach UConn ECE mathematics courses is typically a Master’s degree in Mathematics. In exceptional cases, a strong Bachelor’s degree in Math with evidence that the candidate is enrolled in a program to earn a Master’s degree may be considered. A candidate with a Master’s in Education may also be considered if coupled with a strong Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics.
ECE Instructors currently certified to teach MATH 1030Q, MATH 1131Q, 1132Q or MATH 2110Q will be eligible to add MATH 1070Q to their certification upon submission of an approved course syllabus.
New Applications for MATH 1070Q will take into account candidates who have a Master’s degree in Business or Economics, or a Master’s in Education with a strong bachelor’s degree in Business or Economics. Please note approval to teach MATH 1070Q may not lead to approval to teach additional course offerings without sufficient math coursework.
Interviews will be conducted before certification is granted. The Math Department will not certify candidates that have earned a degree completely through online coursework or who do not have a degree in an appropriate field.
MATH 2110Q To be eligible for certification in MATH 2110Q, instructors must first meet requirements to teach MATH 1131Q and 1132Q (possess a strong background as a math major and have a grade of at least a B in a Real Analysis I course). Instructors seeking to be certified in MATH 2110Q in addition to MATH 1131Q and 1132Q should have successfully taught each course at least twice. Additionally, to be certified to teach MATH 2110Q, instructors should possess a very strong background as a math major and have successfully completed at least four upper-level, proof-based courses (Real Analysis I & II, Abstract Algebra I & II, Abstract Linear Algebra, Complex Analysis, Differential Geometry, Number Theory, etc.) with a grade of a B or higher in each course. Exceptions may be made in extenuating circumstances at the discretion of the faculty coordinator.
Note: Core Questions are given to Instructors to include in final exams by the University's Mathematics Department.
**The transcript must include at least one course on the theory of calculus (i. e., Real Analysis or Theoretical Advanced Calculus) with a grade of B or better.**
Instructor Resources:
MATH 1030Q Sample Syllabus (PDF)
MATH 1070Q Sample Syllabus (PDF)
MATH 1131Q Sample Syllabus (PDF)
MATH 1132Q Sample Syllabus (PDF)
List of Approved Math Textbooks
Math Department Resources for ECE Instructors
* Pilot course. Instructors, please contact the UConn ECE Program Office before applying for these courses.