Maritime Studies

Explore the UConn Maritime Studies website for departmental information. Course descriptions below correspond to the UConn undergraduate directory of courses.

MAST 1200: Introduction to Maritime Culture

Three credits ($150). Offered Fall, Spring, or Full-year.

A study of history and literature to understand the international maritime culture that links peoples, nations, economies, environments, and cultural aesthetics.

Eligibility Guidelines: Successful completion of two years of high school history and two years of high school English are recommended.

Instructor Certification Requirements:

The preferred requirements for UConn ECE Instructor certification in Maritime Studies is an instructor who has a Bachelor's Degree in Maritime Studies and has completed graduate level coursework in both English and History. At a minimum, applicants with a Master's Degree in English, History, or Education will be considered. Applicants with a Master's Degree in Education should have a Bachelor's Degree in English or History. Applicants missing evidence of relevant Maritime Studies coursework will have their application approval deferred upon successful completion of the UConn ECE MAST virtual workshop series.  The UConn ECE MAST workshop series is comprised of four synchronous virtual evening workshops and runs alternating academic years.

Please Note: MAST 1200 may be team taught between a History and an English instructor where each have at least bachelor and some graduate-level training within their respective majors.

Instructor Resources:

MAST 1200 Sample Syllabus 1 (PDF)
MAST 1200 Sample Syllabus 2 (PDF)
MAST 1200 Sample Syllabus 3 (PDF)