Site Representative Conference


The annual Site Representative Conference is held in the spring on the Storrs campus and is one of our largest events. The 2020 conference was cancelled and the 2021 and 2022 conferences were held virtually due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The 2025 conference will be held on May 21, 2025 at the UConn Avery Point Campus.

New program policies and procedures are introduced, and registration materials are distributed to all UConn ECE Partner schools. All UConn ECE Site Representatives are invited via e-mail. We ask Site Representatives to have a delegate attend in their place if they are unable to attend themselves.


View the Winter 2023-24 Magazine page directly at or download the PDF. Contribute to the Summer 2024 Doubling Down on Success themed edition with artwork or sharing a professional success (please encourage UConn ECE Instructors and Students as well!)


2024-2025 Course Offering planning documents were distributed via email on Tuesday, May 20, 2024.

2024-2025 Course Offerings are due to the UConn ECE Program Office by June 14, 2024.

Please e-mail your Course Offerings to


A pre-college summer program for high school students. UConn PCS can help students with their future career, academic, and personal goals! For program dates, application details, courses, and more information please visit We welcome you to use our program marketing materials to share this opportunity with your students.


A great way to grow as well as maintain your UConn ECE program is through dynamic and relevant marketing and promotion. A clear and transparent representation of UConn Early College Experience at your high school will provide the opportunity for greater participation, more seamless experience with the registration process, and ultimately more student success during the credit transfer process.

UConn ECE Student Ambassadors are a great way to market and promote the program at your high school as they assist in the administration of the UConn ECE program and support their fellow students and Site Representative to create a more seamless college experience for all. Student Ambassador Participation Packages are due by September 9, 2024. Please see the Information Packet for program details.


Find some Program Policies & Procedures Highlights for the 2023-2024 academic year, and all other program policies and procedures in our Policies & Procedures Guide. 2023-2024 program fees are $50 per registered course credit.


  • Grade Report. Login with your NetID and password to view your school’s de-identified registration and grade data over the past 4 years. This one minute video shows an overview.
  • Data Sheet. Quick facts, trends, and data about the 2023-2024 UConn ECE academic year.
  • Alumni Profile: Class of 2022. Stats on UConn ECE Alumni who graduated high school in 2022 and were enrolled in one or more UConn course at their high school via UConn Early College Experience during their four-year high school career.
  • Course Evaluation Results. Includes overview of aggregated results to each of the questions asked of Fall 2023 classes.
  • Utilizing Credit. Whether a student comes to UConn or decides to transfer their credit to another college/ university, action must be taken! Our Credit Transfer Database helps students determine the likelihood of other institutions accepting their UConn credit. The first page of the Credit Transfer Information sheet provides steps for students to take, while the second outlines how schools can support their students with the credit transfer process. The Utilize Your Credit card can also help students understand the processes.


High school profiles are school-specific datasheets, updated annually. Growth graphs provide a ten-year snapshot of student- and course-level data for your school, as well as a comparison to schools similar to yours. Site Representatives received their school’s UConn ECE Profile at the Site Representative Conference. Please reach out to Carissa Rutkauskas if you have any questions.


Program fees have not changed and the 2024-2025 Program Fee Waiver Policy has been finalized. We have added 7 new courses in 6 different disciplines (American Sign Language, Business, Chinese, Kinesiology, Mathematics, and Public Health), and have added 297 newly or additionally certified Instructors the UConn ECE family this year!

#9 Creating a UConn ECE Community

Ten ways UConn ECE Site Representatives can help create a UConn ECE Community.

#10 Registration Guides

#11 Presentation Slides

2024 Site Representative Conference Presentation