Steps for Successful Registration

How Site Representatives can best support their students during the registration process

The below tips will help you stay organized along with the Step-by-Step Site Rep Guide and Workflow which includes the steps definitions. To view the student side of the process, refer to our Student Registration page.

Spring (High School Course Selection)

  • Promote UConn courses through UConn ECE to your students. UConn ECE: The Video is a great overview.
  • Attend Site Representative Conference
  • Provide the UConn ECE Program Office with up-to-date course offerings with certified instructors listed
  • Determine students’ eligibility to enroll in course(s)
  • Be aware and knowledgeable about available program fee waivers.
  • Distribute UConn ECE information and Student Registration Guides
  • Create a document including the following information to share with your students:
    • High school course name
    • UConn course name
    • UConn course number
    • Number of UConn credits
    • Course Instructor
  • Meet with Students for advising and to approve courses for online enrollment
  • Emphasize with students that UConn ECE registration opens in August.
  • Meet with your school counseling team to review UConn ECE policies. Emphasize that if a student makes a change to their high school schedule, they must update their UConn record appropriately. To drop a UConn course, a student must follow the drop process and may be financially responsible for the course fees.

Fall (UConn ECE Registration Period)

  • Confirm course offerings are correct
  • Direct students to register for their approved courses via the Student Registration page by the posted deadlines
  • Be aware and knowledgeable about available program fee waivers.
  • Monitor, review, and approve student registrations
  • If applicable, utilize your Student Ambassador to assist with student registration
  • Monitor enrollments in
  • Assist the UConn ECE Program Office if they are unable to contact students who have incomplete or unsuccessful registrations
  • Keep the UConn ECE Program Office informed of any new course offerings or instructor changes
  • Remind students and parents/guardians that payment is due upon receipt of the e-mailed request with the balance.
  • If applicable, assist students with the Drop process
  • Assist instructors with roster verification. Final class rosters are due after registration closes.