New Instructor Orientation


Newly certified UConn ECE Instructors are required to participate in a New Instructor Orientation. Orientation serves as a way to become more familiar with the program and course details. This event provides the opportunity to learn about program details, Instructor benefits, and course responsibilities. The afternoon session provides the opportunity for new Instructors to meet with their Faculty Coordinators for a discipline-specific orientation.



#1 Welcome

#2 Winter 2024 UConn ECE Magazine

Visit the page directly at or download the PDF. Share your ideas for the summer 2024 edition! Theme: Doubling Down on Success

#3 Clarifying Concepts & Policies

#4 Instructor Access & Responsibilities

#5 Student Registration

Student Registration Guide

#6 Program Data, Course Evals, and Credit Transfer Info

  • Data Sheet. Quick facts, trends, and data about the 2023-2024 UConn ECE academic year.
  • Course Evaluation Results. Includes overview of aggregated results to each of the questions asked of Fall 2023 classes.
  • Alumni Profile: Class of 2022. Stats on UConn ECE Alumni who graduated high school in 2022 and were enrolled in one or more UConn course at their high school via UConn Early College Experience during their four-year high school career.
  • Utilizing Credit. Whether a student comes to UConn or decides to transfer their credit to another college/ university, action must be taken! The first page of the Credit Transfer Information sheet provides steps for students to take, while the second outlines how schools can support their students with the credit transfer process. The Utilize Your Credit card can also help students understand the processes.

#7 High School Profiles

High school profiles are school-specific datasheets, updated annually. Growth graphs provide a ten-year snapshot of student- and course-level data for your school, as well as a comparison to schools similar to yours. Site Representatives received their school’s UConn ECE Profile at the Site Representative Conference. Please reach out to Carissa Rutkauskas if you have any questions.

#8 UConn Pre-College Summer (PCS)

A pre-college summer program for high school students. UConn PCS can help students with their future career, academic, and personal goals! For program dates, application details, courses, and more information please visit We welcome you to use the program flyer to share this opportunity with your students.

#9 Creating a UConn ECE Community

Ten ways UConn ECE Instructors can help create a UConn ECE Community.

Please also take time to read the full UConn ECE Policies and Procedures Guide.

University of Connecticut Early College Experience (UConn ECE) Concurrent Enrollment – A new Instructor checking folder materials University of Connecticut Early College Experience (UConn ECE) Concurrent Enrollment – New ECE Instructors at the New Instructor Orientation University of Connecticut Early College Experience (UConn ECE) Concurrent Enrollment – New ECE Instructors reception University of Connecticut Early College Experience (UConn ECE) Concurrent Enrollment – New ECE Instructors networking