Professional Development

Summer Institutes

During the summer, UConn ECE hosts three-day Summer Institutes that offer a more intensive and intimate academic experience. Additional information and registration is on our Summer Institutes page.

Workshops & Learning Series

UConn ECE offers some of the best professional development workshops you will find. UConn ECE Faculty Coordinators organize annual one-day workshops for their UConn ECE Instructors which bring Instructors back into the labs and professional work spaces of their academic department. Internationally recognized guest speakers often attend these workshops, and Instructors walk away from the event with valuable information, materials, and other resources that refresh and reignite their academic passions. While workshop attendance is required every two years to maintain certification, most Instructors attend every year because they enjoy the professional interactions and professional content.

  • Workshops: Instructors are emailed an invitation each year. Dates are also available on our events calendar.
  • Learning Series 2023:
    • Maritime Studies. Virtual, January 25, February 15, March 7, and March 28, 7-8:30. More information.

Check out our latest PD Workshop

Spring 2024 UConn ECE Classics Workshop

On Wednesday, June 5th, UConn Early College Experience hosted a professional development workshop for approximately 20 certified ECE Classics teachers, under the guidance of Professor Sara Johnson, our  ECE Faculty Coordinator for Classics. Following a collegial conversation and opening remarks from Professor Johnson, the group delved into a discussion concerning the current climate surrounding UConn […]

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Spring 2024 UConn ECE Art Workshop

On Tuesday, June 4th UConn Early College Experience, and the UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator from Art, Professor Emerita of Illustration, Department of Art & Art History, Cora Lynn Deibler met with a group of 16 UConn ECE certified Art Instructors for a professional development workshop. After welcoming comments from Prof. Deibler, the teachers joined for […]

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Spring 2024 UConn ECE Statistics Workshop

On Monday, May 20th UConn Early College Experience, and the UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator from Statistics, Prof. Nalini Ravishanker met with a group of 44 UConn ECE certified Statistics teachers for their annual professional development workshop. The day included a presentation by James O’Donnell, Prof. Marine Sciences Department, UConn, and Director of Connecticut Institute for Resilience & […]

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