Become an Instructor

Process & Deadline


2023-24 Application Cycle Overview

The instructor certification process is an essential program component and represents a high level of professional trust and respect. Interested high school teachers are encouraged to begin the certification process well in advance of the certification deadline — January 31. Teachers must be employed at either a UConn ECE Partner high school or interested in starting the program at their high school to apply for certification. Becoming a UConn ECE Instructor is a scholarly achievement that may require several interactions. The academic cultures found within secondary and post-secondary educational settings vary in many substantive ways which is why we take this process seriously. While teaching an AP course at a college level is an important general achievement, teaching specific university courses for a particular institution is a unique accomplishment.

The application process resembles that of a job application and each part is an essential component in the package. Applicants will want to represent themselves as having the interest and awareness of a UConn ECE Instructor, making it clear to the UConn academic department that they are applying for UConn certification, which is different than other programs (e.g., Advanced Placement, International Bachelorette, or another college program). Please refer to our Pathways to Certification PDF for an overview.

The application cycle for 2025-2026 will open on November 1, 2024. The deadline to submit completed applications for review for certification for the 2025-2026 academic year is January 31, 2025. The application cycle for 2023-2024 is now closed. If there is an emergency situation where a new instructor is needed to replace a currently certified instructor who has resigned or retired, please contact

Submit Application Materials Here

Certification Requirements

Many disciplines require a Master’s Degree in the content area in order to qualify for certification. Other disciplines may accept a Master’s Degree in Education, with a Bachelor’s Degree in the subject area and two or more content-based graduate courses in the appropriate discipline. It is highly unlikely for a first-year teacher to obtain certification.

Discipline-specific requirements for courses may include:

  • Examination of laboratory facilities in the sciences
  • Class size policy
  • Submission of specific curriculum materials requested
  • Purchase of an approved textbook
  • Appropriate class time scheduled to insure reasonable comparability to the scheduling of the course on campus

Please make sure you read the Instructor Certification Application carefully, paying attention to the specific requirements set by each University Department. Also, please note that UConn transcripts, if applicable, do need to be uploaded with your application.

Graduate course scholarships are awarded each semester by UConn ECE Program Office to teachers who need to fulfill an academic requirement to become certified. Courses do not have to be taken at UConn.

Cover Letter & Syllabus Guidance

Cover letters and your proposed syllabus are the first points of engaging with the academic department. These two documents require special attention. The cover letter should be no shorter than one full page and should demonstrate your passions, expertise, and your understanding of how this University course is different than your high school course. In the fine arts, humanities, and social sciences, a two-page cover letter is appropriate. Please write about your background, research interests, and other qualifications.

Your proposed syllabus should complement your cover letter and it should certainly showcase your research into the dynamics of the course at UConn. Some departments have handbooks which explain how the course should be taught. Please read the handbook before applying and incorporate these requirements into your application materials. The handbook will help you understand the philosophy of the course and your level of academic freedom.

UConn English Handbook for UConn ECE

UConn History 1300 Handbook for UConn ECE (PDF)

UConn History 1400 Handbook for UConn ECE (PDF)