Summarize why you believe that the nominee should be awarded the UConn Early College Experience Thomas E. Recchio Faculty Coordinator Award for Academic Leadership* This award recognizes a University of Connecticut faculty member serving as the UConn Early College Experience Faculty Coordinator for their discipline in an exemplary or unique fashion. The duties of this position include:
• Advancing and innovating the UConn ECE academic community in their discipline
• Developing and maintaining collegial relationships with a geographically disparate set of instructors
• Empowering UConn ECE Instructors to build the program at their high school
• Insuring course parity and integrity
• Providing inspirational professional development while disseminating and demonstrating best practices
• Promoting University of Connecticut resources that enhance UConn Early College Experience
• Contributing to program improvement and development through adherence to standards set by the National Alliance for Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP)
Summarize why you believe that the nominee should be awarded the UConn Early College Experience Principal Award for Program Support & Advocacy* This award recognizes a partner high school Principal or administrator who serves as a leader and advocate for the UConn Early College Experience Program at his or her high school. The duties of this position include:
• Promoting and advocating for the UConn ECE mission, vision and policies at the high school
• Advocating for the program as an opportunity for high school students to launch their college educations
• Actively supporting the required professional development of certified UConn ECE Instructors by providing released time at least once every two years in order for certified instructors to maintain their certification
• Promoting current UConn ECE course offerings and supporting new course additions that serve the specific needs of the student population and community
• Promoting University of Connecticut resources that enhance UConn Early College Experience
• Contributing to program improvement and development through adherence to standards set by the National Alliance for Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP)
Summarize why you believe that the nominee should be awarded the UConn Early College Experience Site Representative Award for Excellence in Program Administration* This award recognizes a partner high school administrator or faculty member who serves as the primary contact for program information and successfully promotes UConn Early College Experience at their school. The duties of this position include:
• Encourage the growth and prosperity of the program through advocacy at the high school and feedback to UConn ECE for program improvement
• Providing all interested students, instructors, and parents with reliable information at the high school
• Management of the student registration process at the high school level
• Familiarity with University billing and course evaluation procedures
• Providing appropriate professional development, disseminating and demonstrating best practices
• Promoting University of Connecticut resources that enhance UConn Early College Experience
• Contributing to program improvement and development through adherence to standards set by the National Alliance for Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP)
Summarize why you believe that the nominee should be awarded the UConn Early College Experience Instructor Award for Excellence in Course Instruction* This award recognizes a UConn Early College Experience instructor teaching one or more UConn ECE courses during the academic year. A UConn ECE instructor must:
• Deliver an inspired University course that replicates the same course taught on a UConn campus
• Adhere to the academic standards and rigor of the University of Connecticut in general and the department specifically
• Teach UConn ECE Students at a college level, often introducing them to study skills, curriculum concepts, assessment measures, and grading criteria well beyond the normal high school college preparatory curriculum.
• Participate every other year in faculty development offered at the University of Connecticut annually
• Maintain a collegial relationship with the Faculty Coordinator
• Take a leadership role in preparing students for college on the high school campus (optional)
• Promote collegial ties with University faculty that can provide valuable opportunities for coherent curriculum articulation efforts between secondary and post-secondary institutions.
Summarize why you believe that the nominee should be awarded the UConn Early College Experience “Rookie of the Year” Award for Excellence in First-Year Course Instruction* This award recognizes a First-Year UConn Early College Experience Instructor teaching one or more UConn ECE courses. A UConn ECE Instructor must:
• Deliver an inspired University course that replicates the same course taught on a UConn campus
• Adhere to the academic standards and rigor of the University of Connecticut in general and the department specifically
• Teach UConn ECE Students at a college level, often introducing them to study skills, curriculum concepts, assessment measures, and grading criteria well beyond the normal high school college preparatory curriculum.
• Participate every other year in faculty development offered at the University of Connecticut annually
• Maintain a collegial relationship with the Faculty Coordinator
• Take a leadership role in preparing students for college on the high school campus (optional)
• Promote collegial ties with University faculty that can provide valuable opportunities for coherent curriculum articulation efforts between secondary and post-secondary institutions.
Summarize why you believe that the nominee should be awarded the UConn Early College Experience Award for Outstanding Research in the Field of Concurrent Enrollment* This award recognizes a University of Connecticut faculty member, UConn ECE Instructor or high school administrator who has conducted research on concurrent enrollment programs (CEPs). Research can be quantitative or qualitative, and can focus on specific disciplines or on a more generalized view of concurrent enrollment practices, including comparisons with other approaches to early college credit programs. Conference presentations that may not generally be considered research may also be considered for this award.
Summarize why you believe that the nominee should be awarded the UConn Early College Experience Library Media Specialist Award for Excellence in Enrichment and Collaboration* This award recognizes a partner high school library media specialist who serves as the primary contact for library information and successfully promotes high-quality access to UConn’s world-class library resources to all UConn Early College Experience Students and staff at their school. The duties of this position include:
• Familiarity with University library resources, and promoting resources that enhance UConn Early College Experience
• Providing all UConn ECE Students and Instructors with reliable information on UConn’s library resources, disseminating and demonstrating best practices
• Assist Students and Instructors with the use of Library systems for course-related research
• Take a leadership role in preparing students for college level research and participation in Writing Centers (optional)
• Maintain collegial relationships with UConn library contacts, participating in faculty development offered at the University of Connecticut annually
Please include any supporting material below (e.g. links to newspaper articles, newsletters, innovative course materials, websites, etc.). If you would like to attach any materials, please do so in the next question or e-mail directly to