UConn ECE Community Reviews

4.75/ 5 stars based on 30 reviews

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Featured Review

Zephaniah F. said Taking this class was the best experience I have ever had. The teacher was very interactive and did an amazing job. This class really helped me to understand even the most basic things that I never knew before.

May 1, 2024

Giovanni Q. said  The UCONN ECE Biotechnology program is a remarkable experience that seamlessly blends academic rigor with practical application. As a participant, I found the wealth of college-level information provided to be incredibly valuable and relevant to my future pursuits. The course not only equips students with a deep understanding of biotechnological concepts but also offers insights into the collegiate experience, preparing us for the academic journey ahead.

One of the most striking aspects of the program is its ability to foster a sense of community among students. Through collaborative projects and engaging discussions, I was able to forge meaningful connections with my peers, creating a supportive network that extends beyond the classroom. This sense of camaraderie not only enhances the learning experience but also makes the class incredibly enjoyable.

Moreover, the course content is designed to be both informative and practical, ensuring that students gain the necessary skills and knowledge for future success. Whether it's learning about the latest advancements in biotechnology or gaining hands-on experience in the laboratory, the program provides a comprehensive understanding of the field.

Overall, the UCONN ECE Biotechnology program is a truly enriching experience that I would highly recommend to anyone interested in pursuing a career in the life sciences. From the invaluable college information to the friendships formed, this class has been instrumental in shaping my academic and professional journey.

May 1, 2024

Parent JM said The instructor did not provide enough help for students new to taking college classes. If students missed class, the instructor was not willing to assign work and wanted students to ask peers for work. I would not recommend it for students who have not taken college-level classes, or at least not with this teacher.

UConn ECE response: Sorry to hear that your student had a less than ideal experience with their class. Part of the goal of the UConn ECE program is to help students understand the rigor and independent work associated with a college course and build their skill-set to find success. Our ECE instructors work to strike a balance between supporting their high school students’ academic needs, while simultaneously maintaining the rigorous course expectations established by the university. The program relies heavily on our school partners, instructors and site representatives alike, to guide students towards UConn coursework that is aligned with their unique academic curiosities and skills. We encourage all ECE students to complete their course evaluation forms (open during the month of May), as this feedback helps the program enhance the learning experience for all students and provides valuable feedback to their ECE instructor. Students and families are always encouraged to speak with their ECE instructor and partner school leadership if they have pressing questions or concerns regarding the level of academic support necessary to be successful in a course.

January 4, 2024

Srirama D. said I am taking AP Calc BC (UConn MATH 1131Q and UConn MATH 1132Q) and I must say that it is interesting. It boosts my self-esteem to know that I am understanding and enjoying college level content. This class in particular has been extremely good. I have made friends and had fun mathematics moments along the way. I recommend everyone take a UConn ECE class as they can truly have fun with those with similar interests and they get a college credit.

UConn ECE response: Thanks for your review! Given the opportunity, students often "double dip" a UConn course and the AP test. If you matriculate to UConn, a score of a 4 or 5 on the AP Calc BC test will grant you 8 "transfer" credits (shown as a "T" on your transcript, with no bearing on your UConn GPA). If you accept your UConn MATH 1131Q and UConn MATH 1132Q grades and credits from the non-degree portion of your transcript to the degree portion, your grade and 8 credits will be included in your UConn GPA. If you go to a college or university other than UConn, there is an 87% transferability rate - check out the likelihood of transferring your UConn credit in the UConn ECE Credit Transfer Database.

January 2, 2024

Juliana P. said 
- a very wonderful teacher who made learning about U.S. history fun
- easy to manage with tolerable amounts of homework
- the syllabus made it easier to learn about U.S. history

June 29, 2023

Mackenzie L. said I really enjoyed my ECE Human Rights and The Law class. I took this class my junior year, and it was very eye opening to see a college level class that can also contain a lot of group effort. As high schoolers, no one really explains the structure of different college classes to us. This class was an amazing way to showcase this information. The material in the class was sometimes heavy, but how can we learn about tragedies if we never see the death, suffering, and torture? The answer is, the only way to understand something is to see both sides. My class talked a few times about the war in Russia. This was a very current event - still happening today - that was overpowering the news. We watched videos, read articles, and even made our creation of a memorial for the lives lost in Ukraine. Along with this, we learned about the Russian citizens who are blinded by propaganda to know what is happening. Seeing both sides proves that not all of Russia knows why or who they are attacking. This class was filled with so many memories and hard work. Talking a class like this is important because those teachers want to be there, my teachers calls this class his "baby", because he made the effort to bring it to CHS. He is an amazing dude and I could not be happier with my ECE course. It made me want to sign up for more next year. Thank you UConn for giving us CT kids a taste of our futures!

June 27, 2023

Tairan H. said The class was fun, but I hated how it conflicted with AP material at times.

UConn ECE response: Thanks for your feedback! UConn courses at the high schools are the same as courses taught at any of the UConn campuses. In our Policies & Procedures Guide, we let Instructors know that they are welcome to teach AP material in their UConn classroom as long as all the material on the UConn syllabus is covered.

May 1, 2023

Zephaniah F. said Taking this class was the best experience I have ever had. The teacher was very interactive and did an amazing job. This class really helped me to understand even the most basic things that I never knew before.

May 1, 2023

Evalina V. said Good class, taught me things I haven't looked in deeper enough.

Jan 1, 2023

Ava P. said I loved my teacher during this course, and each topic was filling explained well! I had a great time and would be interested in doing the UConn ECE again!

June 1, 2022

Joey Y. said Great courses and teachers.

May 29, 2022

Ananya P. said I took two UConn ECE courses during my senior year of high school, HRTS2200 and HRTS1007, and it was the best decision I could have made. The classes talked about real-world problems and on-going issues. The topics can be a little intense but I thought that it prepared me for my future classes. I'm not planning on attending UConn in the future, but I'm glad that I can transfer these credits to my college.

May 28, 2022

Jessica-Lois Q. said It was a great learning experience.

May 16, 2022

Craig H. said I took a UConn ECE Oceanography course during my senior year of high school, and it was honestly amazing. Oceanography taught me the true nature of a college individual, allowing me to follow my own path rather than pursue one already set out for me. Of course the class was incredibly difficult, but the effort put in by my teacher made it worth the while. The teachers care that you understand the topic, and love to help in any way possible. Mr. Wynne of Ansonia High School not only taught me countless different topics, but important lessons I would not have learned anywhere else. Huge shout-out to you Mr. Wynne!

May 16, 2022

Alex S. said UConn ECE provides students with an excellent opportunity to better prepare for learning in a college setting. The program also gives students the ability to get college credits during high school, which saves the student time and money later on down the road. I've thoroughly enjoyed all of my ECE classes and am excited that I now have all those extra credits for college. Overall, fantastic experience.

March 7, 2022

Dylan G. said I took an English ECE class under the title "Humanities" during my senior year of high school in 2017. It was an absolutely phenomenal experience that was foundational to my success in college. I had my first experiences writing real research papers that required diligent drafting, and that basically gave me a method for how to succeed in writing papers in college. It was also just a lot of fun to have mature class discussions reminiscent of a small seminar, and we did very involved creative projects as well. The best part of the experience was that I was eased into these academic changes in a familiar environment, so once I got to college, I was able to hit the ground running.

I will say though, my teacher had developed our curriculum from the ground up and I'm not sure how strictly ours matched to a normal introductory English class at UConn. In particular, we did some really cool creative projects with a ton of flexibility, and I'm not sure if that's normal. Nevertheless, it was a really formative experience, and I'd recommend any student take something similar if they have the chance.

Jan. 28, 2022

Sylvia S. said The system for UConn ECE student portal is NOT user friendly. I still cannot access my account to add vital information. During the courses, the workload is uneven. But, with that said it's a GREAT opportunity to get college credit easily. 

UConn ECE response: Sorry to hear that you struggled with this! UConn ECE strives to create a university experience for its students. This includes an introduction to  systems similar to or utilized by most colleges and universities in the US, such as a registration system, student administration system, and online course management system. Please feel free to reach out to our office at any time. We are here to help!

Jan. 19, 2022

August S. said This course is perfect for students craving more independence and difficulty when it concerns education. I wish all my classes were formatted the way UConn ECE is, and Dr. Wrubel at Bunnell High School is a fantastic teacher.

June 3, 2021

Jean Paul H. said I took an ECE class during my senior year. This class helped me a lot with preparations for college and I am grateful to take this course. The ECE environmental science course had to be the best class I took in high school. Especially I learned things and dove into topics deeper which was the best part of the class. Going to UConn or not if you have the opportunity to take any ECE class, the class will be a huge benefit in the future.

June 2, 2021

Emma D. said Elementary Discrete Mathematics was my favorite course ever! It had engaging material and was very educational. I had fun while learning the material. Each problem was like a little puzzle.

May 26, 2021

Kurtis B. said This was a fascinating class. I learned a lot about Europe and intellectual movements, as well as art, politics, and various political figures like Otto von Bismarck and Metternich. I'm happy that this class prepares you for college level work, it's a great introduction to the workload, and it's fun.

May 26, 2021

Trinity S. said The Uconn ECE Program has challenged me as a student to become more diligent and precise when doing my school work. I have learned how to manage my time and put forth effort that will get me the grade that I want. I think that this program prepared me for the workload and difficulty I will see in college. I thank the UConn ECE Program for making me a better student and pushing me to my full potential.

May 17, 2021

Jacob O. said The UConn ECE Course I took was wonderful and helped develop critical thinking skills and knowledge.

May 17, 2021

Haley M. said This course taught me so much about life, how to manage my time and workload, and about the world around me!! It was taught wonderfully while remaining difficult and very interesting. I LOVED IT

May 17, 2021

Kenna L. said I really enjoyed my ECE courses throughout high school! My teacher was awesome and made the courses as fun as possible! I loved taking Floriculture as an ECE class, not because I love Floriculture, but because I also get college credits at my dream school!

May 17, 2021

Kathryn M. said This course dived into many different aspects of environmental science that I would never have previously imagined were as important as they were. I was happy with the amount of independent work versus team work as well as the structuring of the units themselves. I hope that my younger siblings take this course in the future.

Oct. 18, 2020

Intructor Jason M. said I had the honor and pleasure of teaching UConn ECE History 1300/1400 during my 15 years of teaching. Every high school should have an ECE program. As an instructor, I collaborated with high school and college peers to better myself and students via new primary resources and up-to-date research methods. I furthered my student's college experience taking them to UConn for a day to experience a lecture, conducting research at the main library, eating at the dining hall, and exploring the Co-Op. By far, UConn ECE courses provide more than just college credit. They create a lasting collegial partnerships that enables you as an instructor to continuously flourish along with your students. There is no program that can match UConn's ECE experience. 

Oct. 6, 2020

Sidney K. said I took two ECE classes during my senior year of high school and I really appreciated how it got me ready for college courses. I did not go to UConn for college but my transfer process was super smooth in getting my credits to my college. One class I took was ENGL 1010 which checked off one of my requirements at school which was really useful.

Oct. 2, 2020

Liz K. said I am a UConn ECE Alumni who took several UConn courses throughout my high school career. I really enjoyed the rigorous courses and appreciated that the competitive advantage that they gave to me when applying to colleges. Although I went to UConn for college, and the transfer process was smooth, I wish there was more of an emphasis placed on the grades needed for your credits to be transferred. Some of the courses that I had taken in high school I received a B in. As a result of this grade, it would have lowered my GPA freshman year of college, and so I decided not to transfer some of my credits. Overall my experience with UConn ECE has been a great one, but wish someone had placed more emphasis on this during my experience.

Sept. 19, 2020

Kathrine G. said Taking a UConn ECE course was one of the best decisions that I made during high school. My ENGL 1010 course exposed me to the culture of college, challenged me to do my best work, and gave me opportunities to learn and research outside of the standard curriculum. When I went to UConn Storrs, I found that my ECE class had prepared me for what to expect in the classes I took my first semester and beyond, and it allowed me to take more advanced courses earlier in my college career and to be more successful in all of my coursework. I had more time to explore college life outside of academics by coming in with credits—this allowed me to pursue several research projects and become deeply involved with extracurriculars.

I would recommend UConn ECE to any high school student—no matter if you plan to go to UConn or not. I didn’t plan to go to UConn—and I’m so glad that I ended up here—but I know for sure that taking an ECE class would have prepared me for success at whatever institution I wanted to go to. I wish I had taken more!

Aug. 25, 2020

Michael B. said The UConn ECE/High School Coop is a tremendous program; I do not know where I would be without it. I earned a total of 39 UConn credits during my junior and senior years at NFA. This allowed me to finish my BA in three years, enter UConn's MA program, and have two degrees in hand by the time I was 21. Students looking for a wonderful foundation should consider enrolling.



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About UConn ECE

UConn Early College Experience (UConn ECE) is a concurrent enrollment program that allows motivated high school students to take UConn courses at their high schools for both high school and college credit. read more