Students & Parents

UConn Early College Experience (ECE) is your opportunity to take UConn courses in the comfort of your own high school classroom. You will take college courses in a familiar setting, simultaneously earn high school and college credit, and pay a fraction of the cost it would be to take the same courses on a college campus. By taking UConn courses through UConn ECE, you will officially start your college career as a non-degree student.

Start your college career now!

As a UConn Early College Experience Student, you are committing to challenge yourself and making the pursuit of your higher education a priority.

UConn ECE is more than just a test – it is a college experience. You will earn your grade throughout the semester or academic year by completing college assessments, such as presentations, papers, tests, quizzes, and labs.

Not planning to attend UConn? UConn ECE credits have an 87% transfer rate to colleges all over the nation. 

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Student Participants Annually

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Credits Earned per Student

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Credit Transfer Rate