High Schools & Site Representatives
Site Representative Roles and Responsibilities
A UConn ECE site representative is designated at each partner high school and serves as the primary contact for program information. Typically, the site representative is someone from the high school guidance or counseling office who has the ability to reach out to students across all grade levels. We encourage school counselors to take on this role as they are the ones who engage students in the planning of their school schedule and academic goals. A principal may divide the roles and responsibilities of a site representative among more than one staff member as long as the responsibilities are covered. The UConn ECE Program Office strives to maintain good communication with each site representative through telephone, e-mail distribution, newsletters, site visits, and mailings. Once designated, a site representative is required to contact the UConn ECE Program Office for access to their high school’s information.
Site representatives should provide all interested students, instructors, and parents with reliable program information at the high school. Site representatives manage the student registration process and are familiar with University billing and course evaluation procedures.
Site representatives must attend the annual Site Representative Conference, held at the UConn Storrs campus, typically scheduled in late February or early March. Program materials, information, and registration guides for students are available at this time. Any site representative unable to attend this conference should send a substitute or make arrangements to pick up their registration materials at the Storrs campus, as well as be briefed on new program policies or procedures.
High School Role and Responsibilities
A UConn ECE partner high school must have the following identifying features:
- UConn ECE courses are described in the course catalog as a unique program within the high school and are distinguished from Advanced Placement. Course descriptions are available through the UConn ECE Program Office, under the Courses page, and in the UConn course catalog. UConn course descriptions must be used in the high school’s program of studies.
- A Site Representative has been designated as the liaison between the high school and the University of Connecticut. The Site Representative provides program information and guidance to students, parents and faculty.
- Program information is made available to parents and students before the registration process.
- The high school principal offers support and helps guide the development and integrity of the program.
- The high school has agreed to support the course and student standards set by the University of Connecticut.
- Physical evidence identifying the high school as a UConn ECE partner high school is displayed in a designated area, such as the guidance office. UConn ECE provides brochures, guides, posters and other promotional materials.
- A UConn course syllabus for all courses offered each year must be on file at the high school for transfer credit purposes.
“To be able to get credit for a college-level class in high school, and later transfer those credits on to college is an amazing opportunity that one should not take lightly.” –ECE student, 2018

High School Partners

Hours of PD Annually

Student Ambassadors
UConn ECE partners with approximately 186 high schools around the state. In many ways, our partner schools are considered regional UConn campuses. The high school principal, instructors, and media specialists work with the site rep to create an early college experience within their schools.